RFC: Right to be forgotten, or not

Ok. That doesn’t sound like “asking for a handout” to me. That sounds like the government saying “my way or death”. What would have happened if they absolutely refused to negotiate a move to a reservation? Genocide. That’s not a choice and a negotiation between the victors and losers in war is not a negotiation between equal parties.

It’s enjoyable and unexpected.

Again, the point was, don’t trust the government…

What would have happened if they didn’t trust the government? They would have magically turned the tide and won the war?

Did Ford mean to imply that the Natives let the government give them handouts, maybe, idk. But the point still stands that you and I shouldn’t let them do the same.

The final resignation was after 200 years of the government lying about treaties…

The exact reason batteries are built into phone. Even ‘off’ a phone can be pinged

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Also makes buying a new one more convenient than just replacing the battery

It could be argued the seminoles never signed a gubbament treaty. Although there would be an argument over the definition of ‘Seminole’ to defend/ dispute this argument


The same way as when Jobs cashed out from apple, apple cashed in with changing of their charger cords and the millions spend on new car or even home charger.

This times infinity. Sent this to future on his IG feed asking if ‘safety’ is a basic human right (or something to that effect)

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Part Seminole here. Watching the owls for wisdom, waiting for nightfall🦉

Sam jones

Full whypeepoe here, but grew up in school with a large population of kids off the rez. Awesome group of people amazing culture. If honest tho, the casinos have been a curse as much as a blessing with culture as the ‘cost’. Love or hate chief billie, but he was the madman behind the come up…

I know tons of whypeepoh. :slightly_smiling_face:

I idwntify as one since I participate in more of their activities :confused:


What does this pertain to exactly? Deleting a post or a user being deleted and then all the data being destroyed? @sidco I believe everyone should be able to delete their own posts withing 72 hours before it’s “locked in” just like you can edit a post within 24 hours before you can’t.

Deleting a post. The thread was forked and missing the earlier context.