Whatever happened to that fuck? Haven’t seen anything posted by him in a grip…
Well fuck… Glad you can see them because I’m getting a video error using chrome on mobile Android
That’s a tool from @TwistedStill in the top of the picture isn’t it?
I’ll be goddamned! You should buy 10 now just for the cause!
What’s wrong with you?
I’m just being a dick before bed sorry
I will inhale your biggest diamond one hit and put it on video. You must provide the family size bag of chips for afterwards. Looks great!!!
He’s still here. Just hasn’t commented much. He acknowledged that I tagged him
Thank you
So I did 140g pentane to 235g THCa (weighed it out) which is about a 0.6:1 ratio. Been in the oven at 97° for almost the whole day and still can’t get all the THCa to fully dissolve even with vigorous shaking…
Try 110f
That’s above boiling
Still under 10 psi at that temp. Don’t open it. Wear goggles and other ppe.
I’m curious how much the dissolved THCa is effecting the BP. Similar to salt and water. I’ve recorded pentane temps of 40c when dissolving THCa without visible boiling (for what it’s worth).
open it up and stir it
I boil pentane in my hood via a vacuum chamber and an air powered vacuum. One thing pentane/pentane solutions (and I’m sure there’s a scientific term for this) is they like to sit there perfectly still until they get a bit above boiling point and then spontaneously start boiling violently. This can happen quite energeticly when boiling point is achieved rapidly (in my case vacuum pulled on room temp pentane or potentially pressure dropping like a jar with 110 pentane being opened). Just don’t open a jar over boiling point because it will look fine for a second then boil energeticly.
You’re probably going to need more pentane. That ratio isn’t good.
I wanted to say something earlier, but that 0.5:1 wasn’t a good one to follow. Can’t learn without doing something wrong
Ya I agree, even double that pentane is gonna be a bitch to get to dissolve. If you are smart though one single oversaturation and a little bit of math will get you on the right track.
I did say something about it. Sorta.
Dissolve at saturation and let cool
Yeah you definitely mentioned it I was just on the fence about going too heavy on the pentane I figured once it’s in there it’ll be harder to work backwards rather than just adding more
1:1 and flash to boil/agitation has always been my starting point
Havent been too active here for quite some time partly because I’m so behind on most of the threads. But I always spend a lot of downtime I have reading and trying to catch up though. And recently I’ve been diving in really hard again with the intention of becoming active in the forum community again, sharing any helpful data I may be able to contribute…
Anyways, I have been trying to gain some experience and knowledge with heptane. Was messing with it a few years ago but got busy with other projects so I’m picking it back up now. I think the saturation points and higher BP may be a little more beneficial, but anyone willing to let me know if that may be a little incorrect?