ReXing THCa in pentane

My first piece of advise is to not mix and match ml and g when talking about ratios. Stick to weights only and make sure you account for the density difference of your solvent of choice. 100ml /= 100g when discussing hydrocarbons at room temperature.

If you evaporate all of your pentane you’ll get back all of your thca minus 1-2% to degradation or transfer loss, but the closer you get to no pentane left the more likely you are to dump a sugar layer.


You suggest to seal the pyrex? I’m only asking as someone heard and wants to try to seed and leave in a vac oven, while evaporating at the, just boiling point to hit fatty rock. Yet depending on the crystaline that may’ve been slighty decarb and not fuged enough to extract prior terps… I guessed it wouldn’t do much yet evaporate too quickly or just make sugar/small stones? Agree on using crystaline to powder and a 2:1 to dissolve and then evaporating to super saturation point [those rainbow swirls} noticed many different ratios working just under a 1:1, but too many unknown variables from strains and material, so a lot of guesstimating unfortunately. Had results in the past, but am curious about pyrex over jars. Apologies, I don’t add much as I have so much to learn and the learning will never stop. Been a late day, but couldn't help but try and read more. Hope my late day blah makes some sense. lol GN

Start with small amounts of pentane, and dissolve your THCA into the pentane as quickly as possible, untill it becomes difficult to dissolve the thc-a. Top off dilute with small amount of fresh pentane to reach full dilution.

Move this to a controlled environment. Temperature cycling between cold (tight atoms low in the miner) and warm (removing Pentane) will give you rocks, and grow stones from seeds.


You are the man. Teaching people to fish. Fucking love it


should i begin to purge off the excess pentane? i believe that’d be my next step but i wanted to ask the pro’s before i wasted any time. thanks in advance

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You have a couple more steps before you can start recovering. Start by making sure the thca is fully dissolved in the pentane. Once the solute is fully dissolved try pouring it in a wider vessel so your depth of the solute is 1/2-3/4 thick to start Seed with diamonds. Evaporate and bobs your uncle There’s a lot more to it “proper saturation levels and temps” but that’s a huge push in the right direction. Make sure when off gassing pentane you’re doing it safely “C1D1 environment PPE”

If small sugar facets is what your after start recovery


monday it was fully dissolved into the pentane and its been hanging out in our -45c freezer.

would you recommend i do some temp cycling before i begin recovering?

What was your ratio of pentane to thca


What are you trying to accomplish here? Based on the colour of the mother liquor, it looks like you were starting with pretty darn pure THCA to begin with. Are you trying to grow diamonds?

What it looks like you did was dissolve pure THCA powder, then cool it down, which crashed out amorphous/small sugar THCA crystals.


@PolyC you nailed it.

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4:1 to start with

Way too much. Dissolve and drop down to less than 2:1


I like to start below 1:1 probably closer to 1:0.75-0.60
I do it in large closed vessels and set saturation visually


Start by fully dissolving

@Alwaysworking it was fully dissolved monday … i then put it in the freezer thinking i needed to induce nucleation

I never use the freezer


…and what did you achieve instead?!?

Try using the graphic below to describe your goal AND how you missed. It will help you understand what you’re trying to achieve


Pentane crash 24x24 vessel 30lbs


OK. If you want to grow diamonds, freezer is not necessary. You’re also way too dilute to start crystallizing THCA. After dissolving, adjust the concentration of THCA in solution (by removing pentane) to 50-60% THCA. Then cap it at RT, don’t touch it for a week.