Replacing motor brushes on cheap amazon LD3 centrifuge

I have a cheap LD3 that I purchased from amazon to use for isolating my HTE. Unfortunately it stopped turning and after some inspection I discovered that the motor brush on one side was worn down and the other was mostly worn down. This seems a relatively simple fix but I am having a bit of trouble figuring out which to buy. Is it as simple as finding one that is close to the dimensions of the original or is it more exact than that?



Post pictures of the motor please.


Should’ve realized I was missing something.

The unit with the top removed

Here are the worn out brushes.

Let me know if you need more info. Thanks.


Any Id tags on the motor itself? Other than the 110v lol.

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Can’t he measure the brushes and pads and try some from Amazon as well if the motor info is missing?

Something like these? Just took a guess by comparing images.


True. Get a caliper and measure up lol


Sadly the only marking on the motor itself is the sticker that says 110 V.

On the back of the unit it has a very generic sticker:

Nothing specific that I am seeing to the motor unfortunately.


thanks guys, ill update this with a link when i find a winner.


Yeah you’re going to need to search for the right sized brushes then. :sweat_smile:


Some ace hardware/true value stores will keep a bin of spare brushes


Check alibaba

Wilco and Tractor Supply will often have you covered on brushes as well…


As @cyclopath stated. Ive replaced many with TS off- the-shelf brushes. Should be really easy to find them there.


I can’t say from personal experience with centrifuges specifically, but having replaced a great number of brushes in shop equipment, those look identical to the brushes in most table saws. Could probably grab a pair at Harbor freight for dirt cheap that would most likely work just fine.


We had to order them direct from China….

These brushes are very odd and specific and we’re IMPOSSIBLE to find online.

Contact the Amazon seller. They’ll have them


we are on our 3rd c-fuge, same one that you have. wonder of our other ones had the same issue and can be repaired.


I’m gonna go on record as stating that using brushed motors in this application is not ideal, and if these fuges are going through brushes at an accelerated rate, it approaches wreckless.

Might want to look at brushless replacements…


quick update. Measured the motor brush with calipers and it measures 8mm wide x 4mm thick x 8+mm “long” (this side was worn down from contact so 8mm was all i could measure thus its more).

I contacted the seller on amazon and they offered to send me free motor brushes as long as i paid shipping. This leads me to believe it’s a common issues with these economy units.

So after some measuring it looks like @Curious_Roberto had it right and these are a very close match:

think i will wait on what the manufacturer sends me and if they measure the same size at least that is an option for these cheaper units.


any updates?

My LD4 stopped working earlier this week… i’m in the same boat as you I believe, i ordered the carbon brushes you linked, and it seemed to fit fine today. flipped the machine on, the light on the on off switch works… but it still didn’t spin at all. I thought maybe the timer was not working, so i bypassed that and just sent that wire straight to the switch instead of thru the timer. the potentiometer that controls the speed may have gone bad? or i’m missing something here. if anyone has any ideas, let me know, i’ve never changed carbon brushes… if they’re too long does it not work correctly? they seemed to fit in the holes right, but like @australis said, they are worn down so i can’t tell the initial length. Thanks in advance.

Brush replacement (in general) is pretty straight forward. But I’ve got zero experience with the device in question.

Do you have a multimeter?

Follow the electrickery…

And maybe post pictures of your install/removal.

I’m suspicious you’ve dropped a contact (spring?) somewhere…

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