Red extract

I’ve heard people refer to trash weed as reggie

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Sorry for the confusion :rofl: This was brick weed that was sitting in a garage for a few yrs forgotten about. Last time i was in cali they called it stress. In oklahoma we call it reggie. Just regular weed stems and seeds and all just pressed into a brick about 6"x6" wide and about 1.5" thick. It was less than stellar material to say the least and no telling really how long it sit in the elements. It was just an experiment.

After tasting it, its not bad. Its obviously not the greatest but tbh it tastes way better than the material itself smelled.

And its not stabilizing. Its staying gooey. Again, not bad to smoke tho.

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I had same issue, except with chemtek w2

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gonna try adding a lil.b80 to my w2 to see if it helps some w color and crystals