
are you kidding? No he plans on it all falling on the floor obviously. no amount of silica can hold them up.

Bend some shit up, and make some cash! $15 a piece+shipping sounds pretty fair to me!

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Why don’t you take your thoughts and shove them up your ass.

He’s actually not trellising and is using yo-yo’s hence why I asked. More than one way to get the job done


I was just pointing poout when you say dumb shit. I remember the one thing I learned from you= 90 grams w1 per lb. Thanks.

It’s not dumb. He isn’t trellising and is using yoyo’s.

So no trellis, jack ass

The fact you think you just got one over on me shows how stupid you are.

Trellis, stakes, tomato cages, yo-yo’s

How do cops trellis plants??


I can admit when im an idiot. YES so ive never used a trellis but cage each individually with stakes and rabbit fencing. I take trellis as a term to mean supporting the plant and not the nets ive had for years and never used., but was wrong in this context. I havent uses them for th same reason he said, it makes a mess and you cant get in there or move them. I never used yoyo as aupport but the old ones were great hangers, I assume some fires happened and thats why they arent sold as a light hanger anymore.

You know I’m polite, and we’ve had some good conversations. BUT at this point I NEED to see some pics. Your tent, your plants, in flower, in veg… I don’t mother fucking care what it’s a picture of, bujt I want to see a picture of SOMETHING. I said I wanted to keep my hands off of this shit, but you MUST prove to us beyond unreasonable doubt that you in fact DO grow weed, and you use a closed loop.
Let’s see something… Like today… Or YOU ARE A COP
Pictures of your “loop”… Pictures of something


pics are dumb I could post any pics from anyone. I would get more paranoid than you. Dude got my buddies name and address for the clones already.

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Buddy ain’t doing anything to you, and you’re right…
But I demand proof, or I’m blocking you. That simple…


I dont mind being blocked and encourage it if you are uncomfortable.

cause @Demontrich is just trying to get information from you



no but its uncomfortable. give his info out based on me saying you can trust me its ok. and then its you saying im unliked and thats why i was asked to pay and then turned down after I payed. I think you are a troublemaker and im not blaming demon.

Pics aren’t dumb…

Post some pics.

Or else you a cop (and at this point if your not the cops, you are for sure the opps)


A lot of us whom trade back n forth have those members numbers / addresses, does it mean we do stupid shit with them no, does it mean one day you might have a glitter bomb or a box of unpleasantries MAYBE. But anyone that’s irresponsible with another info would be considered a doxxer. & at that point you get water throw at you.


SO if you learned extraction years ago from @Greywolf, maybe the veritable and re-known Master and (in my opinion) the creator of the CLS could vouch for you. I’d take that

oops I let the cat out the bag…

Lol. Demon made that decision all on his own. I just asked him if I could break the news to you.

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Did you fly to him or did you fly him out for a consult in the basement?


you made it clear that somehow within 10 hours of me getting refunded for unclear reasons after me sending money and info where to send it you knew about it? I thought the transaction was more private than that? I wished demon good health and had zero issues getting refunded. Then you come in saying he denied me the cut? Why did he ask me to pay then?