Don’t give up guys!!! Joined @johnbigoilco down over at the facility and just wanted to remind everyone you can beat this shit!!
So what did you do??
I’ve found that fractioning your oil before pouring directly in jars to make diamonds works. Cold crash, separate top oil/terp fraction and work with that solution and let me know if you get Medusa. Diamonds won’t grow as fast of the “Medusa”, more like a normal non “Medusa” process.
Wow!!! Amazing!!! You gonna keep it yourselves and charge $500/hr just to tell us to clean our machine with soap and water??
Thanks for showing a jar of diamonds? Should’ve just posted it in the THCa pics thread if you wanted to brag.
Considering there’s a user posting the cause of what’s happening I am waiting to release what I do until that is posted. He’s worked super hard to figure out all that he has and I feel a lot better about waiting for him to post that. Also followed my post up with words of encouragement before closing. Generally doesn’t happen with a brag.
And having multiple methods of mitigating the problem is also helpful, because not every way will work for everyone. Nice work on this one
You may not know this but I personally couldn’t have done it without things I’ve learned from you in the past and things you’ve posted.
I’m just being a cranky asshole. I get where you’re coming from
Who knows if it’s even a recent photo? Could be old, and none of us plebs would know the difference.
Ya’ll know I’m right. Discuss what you did differently, and contribute back
True. Another question is, if this video is recent, is this the only jar with diamonds that you currently have or have you been able to achieve this result multiple times, consistently, with your new workaround?
Edit: It could very well be recent, I paused the video and his tag/label says 5/30/2022 plus I’d believe @johnbigoilco finding a workaround. but still this guy just coming in saying it can be done with no data just irks me
I got into this lab about two weeks ago, maybe three. Definitely a recent picture.
Same strain directly after pour without work around
Ya’ll called my bluff well. Good showing of the difference between the spicey gas and the normal (well, run with your “workaround”)
Same runs same gas
wrong thread, my apologies!!!