Questions about loose diamonds BHO

So I’ll get straight to it, I use a jar tek to crash out fresh frozen BHO and my butane is straight butane with no other cuts. Everytime I crash the diamonds stick to the jar tho, they have good structure and are plentiful but how can I get massive loose diamonds like I see on instagram? Please don’t be shy :brain:

Dm me

Basically don’t let them get stuck. Swirl the jars a bit everyday or open the lids. Opening the lids should release some of the headspace pressure, which might be enough to loosen up the rocks that are forming.

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Try: Making diamonds that don’t form a puck

Search term: loosies

It’s all in the wrist…

Nothing wrong with asking questions…just understand that many of them have been answered already, so searching first is the correct approach


haha my solvent is never that reactive when i burp a jar. must not be warm enough?


No u said ur using 100% tane some 70/30 tane/pane will react

Loosies is an art

U can let the stones natutally over a month or so… you can uze the break up teks


@stoneD is a very helpful and affordable resource. A few 30 minute calls and some texts will probably have you well on your way to the larger diamonds you seek.


Is there a jump cut in that video or a full live clip?

Something like this happened when I was purging a jar run recently and it did more than usual and broke up and revealed our puck out of the sauce on the burp

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Not my video.

i suggest you click through to the thread it was originally posted in, and ask the user that posted it.

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Seek my answers/replies on the subject in here. If you know what you’re doing, you’ll know what you’re looking for.

It’s far easier than you think.



C1D1 Labs just came out with a diamond miner with nitro puck push technology.


Im guessing its a miner with a N2 port on bottom of miner?


That’s the gist of it. Pretty sure there’s some nuances beyond that, but great idea either way.


Just seen it, looks cool.

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Very cool offering from our friend!

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