Question regarding filling syringes with distillate

It’s not a stupid question, but a 30 sec search, and scan of the results, suggests it’s not a new question either.

Given how well you asked the question, I suspect you can answer it yourself after reading through Search results for 'filling syringe' - Future4200

I’ve not had to deal with filling more than a handful, and considered most attempts failures


Thanks for the reply. I did search before posting, just wasn’t completely sure. Seems like I’ll be going with something like the fifty shot and just get glass syringes with lure locks rather than the slip tip.


You can grab one of those Luer locks on the syringe, and get a female to female luer lock adapter. You can slip the luer lock end from the syringe onto your others and use a fifty shot or w/e to fill carts with the f/f luer lock adapter.
You gotta keep taking the syringe luer lock off and on between syringes.
You can do about 1 every 3-5 seconds

Use the bottom half of that tip on the syringe

Fyi dont heat gun these(or oven) to heat it up, I tried that when first figuring out how to get it filled faster and all of my plungers melted and bent


Don’t use plastic plungers. Use metal ones. The only way I could get the plastics to work was by squeezing the air out. Which fuckin sucks. You gotta move super fast before the dist cools. The metal plungers are much better for using both for filling and they are safer to use with terps. Just unscrew the bottom a turn insert the plunger to the top of the oil and screw tight. Faster than carts and you can get them at the same price. Or I’ve seen that you can connect a luer lock attachment to your gun and fill from the tip. I’d imagine that could get messy though. I don’t mind spooning this one cuz I searched at the time and couldn’t find what I needed.


These syringes will leave white streaks in your distillate.


What causes that?

My buddy at Credence filling systems has designed a filler for these. you slide the syringe in then push it up and the tip of the syringe goes to a tight fitting and it forces the disty in while the plunger is still in. No air.

If you produce quality distillate filling these just sucks. We use the A-10 from cooljarz. Have to stay at least 170f to keep the viscosity low enough to enter the syringe. Also be sure the plunger stops on your syringe have little air holes, so the back pressure from filling has somewhere to go. We use a stainless plunger from convectium which allows the user to open the plunger airways prior to filling and then screw the plunger shut to close the airways. Hope this helps.


The rubber or some type of lubricant on the rubber itself is what I’ve been told. Even without terpenes, it always causes the distillate to form a cloudy ring about an inch from the plunger


Had a chance to handle syringes with metal plungers today and wow, what a difference. Super nice (and fun to play with). Definitely going with those + lure lock syringe and filling from the tip via the fifty shot. Thanks for all the advice!

you can still keep the slip tip if you use metal plungers. Jus sayn Just like @WolfeXtracts just said. Im sure that it is way faster than connecting to a luer lock tip. why spend more money on syringes AND spend longer filling?

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There is a faster way for slip tip syringes with plungers attached

No :bowl_with_spoon:, I’ll show cart farmers when @Ascent starts the better syringes line next year



They need to point it down to avoid the bubble


When can we stop calling it “Rick Simpson” oil and when can we give it a less arbitrary/gimmicky name? RSO can be so many different things and it’s weird that we just stuck with “RSO” when it can be 20% thc or 80% thc, black sludge or golden honey.


Most call it FECO now.

Or you could switch to syringes that don’t give you those issues like these

which sounds like it’s only good for suppositories…