Pulverize Diamonds

Howdy Friends,

I am searching for a better way to pulverize THCA diamonds. I am currently using a mortar and pestle. Although this method works it is extremely labor intensive and I am routinely finding inconsistencies in the powdered THCA crystals. I would be grinding kilo’s of THCA diamonds at a time, and the end goal is for a consistent powder substance to infuse into pre-rolls. I have tried a small electric motor grinder but it was not a successful attempt. The grinder did little to nothing to the diamonds and the blades were begging to show signs of damage. Does anyone have any ideas? or a better piece of equipment they can suggest?

Thanks in advance, Jason

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I would think a ninja blender would work great. But idk lol


industrial food processor or sugar mill/grinder. The best option it to never allow the crystals to grow big in the first place and keep them a fine sugar.


just a Highdea here but… couldnt one wrap your diamonds in parchment and throw that baby under a hydraulic press and slowly smash the ever living shit out of them? i would say that would pulverize it all in one or two seconds

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Put it in the freezer vac sealed and then throw it against the wall


I do have a couple presses laying around, no heat and give 'em a go. Could be the move.

its not going to be the move. i can assure you hand pulverizing will be far quicker than trying to do kilos at a time with a press. pressing creates friction and heat… think about how pressing a bunch of rocks in a 2D plane will not really allow much volume or control.

how big is the surface of your press? and how do you plan on keeping the thca from sticking to the press or being pushed out of the pressing surfaces? how long does it take to do one “batch” in the press?


I get why you might want them smaller, I don’t understand why you grew them bigger if you didn’t want them that way.

can you elaborate?


Just do pan tek and spin off the HTE. No need to waste time growing them big.


I find myself breaking up every batch :joy:
If you want powder just blend it in a ninja blender. Freeze it before hand if it’s still wet. I have powdered distillate by -80 freezer then quick blend and infusion.


add dry ice cool for 15 min then blend in a ninja or large cutter (industrial soup making machine) machine


I agree freeze and ninja. There are already people doing this to make moonrocks


Alright so freeze and Ninja. I will give it a go, thanks everyone.

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Use a sieve after to get uniform powder size, like u do in any other industry


Honestly, we just have kilos of diamonds sitting around. Trying to be creative on how to use them. If originally I had known these were destined for pre-rolls the beginning process would have been different.

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Thanks for the spoon.

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Electric coffee grinder could work pretty good. Fine kitchen strainer to sieve

I used a ninja blender to powder whole chunks of bark one time
…the whole chunk bark was hard as hell


Sell them as diamonds and make fresh powdered THCa is another solution.

#impeachqma #impeachkilla


Has anyone here tried using a burr grinder to perform the milling? Seems to me that it should work better than most anything else and can be sourced in any size to meet anyone’s needs (for pretty cheap).