Published Research

Can anyone pinpoint me to a scientific journal with a decent amount of published cannabis literature? Licenses are expensive and I want to be sure ill get my moneys worth before purchasing one.

Why don’t you go to the Data Dump! (Scientific Papers)? Tons of peer reviewed published work as well as a boatload of books. No need to purchase a license.

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I feel dumb. I didnt know this was a thing! wow well this post can def go to the the trash now


No need to feel dumb! Easy to miss when it isn’t constantly at the top of the active thread list.

Hope you find what you’re looking for there. Also, if you come across something you have questions about in a published paper, the title of this thread leaves it open for options. Lol. It may also direct others to the data dump who had the same question as you but were afraid to ask.

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Thanks man. I appreciate it

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Happy to be of service!

in case you’ve only visited from your phone


I can’t believe I didn’t know about scihub before frequenting the forum.

I used to ask my sister to get me papers from her university account :laughing:

Also if you are a telegram user you can add sci hub bot to a chat and when you give it a doi or a title it will fetch a pdf for you:



Whoa! Looks like I should start using telegram!

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