Psilocybin SOPs

Sounds like a sure way to win. Ill take a starter.


There’s a corner of reddit that’s for purchasing supplies called r/mycobazaar (sp?)


Is synthetic Psilocin legal there now as well? Or only the actual shrooms?

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That’s an excellent question. While I’ve dabbled in the witchcraft that is compliance for the cannabis sector, I haven’t seen the ‘OLCC’ rules / state regs for this side of the fence yet. This is now an information requirement for me, as I’m assuming that any psilocin we see being administered early on will be from plant material or an A/B extract or similar, then leading into yeast-derived cultures in the future, which, to me, are synthetic. I’m not a lawyer, etc but I don’t see anything preventing or allowing synthetic psilo yet. I’ll keep an eye out.

Anyone see these yet? Psilocybin gummies

I wonder if it’s 4-aco-dmt or if they made shroom tea for the base of the gelatin mix. Look like normal gummies


I’ll just trade you a GLG membership directly for one of those jars :eyes:


The labeling is a bit weird, i don’t think there’s really 3.5 grams of actual psilocybin in there. More like 3.5g shroom equivalent, but 140mg of psilocybin per gummy would be a killer dose.


There surely are many more folks familiar with cultivating shrooms vs. chemists making an entrance into that market with synthetic material, so for the time being your assessment should be correct. Still, if synthesized product were legal to distribute, that would make for some very interesting opportunities.

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Ok, now you have really given me a challenge. I’m pulling gummy gear out tomorrow. I’ll report back.


It should work fine, temps for gummies do not exceed temps to degrade psiiocybin. I am assuming you will do at least a little crude extraction on the fruits first?


Iv made gummies with ETOH, that would work. What’s the best solution to use. That should not be to hard to figure out.


I’m gonna scale your gummy recipe down to 1/4 the recipe and use 30g dry to hit .1g per dose of gummy. My idea was to just steep the shrooms in hot water, cool that water off and use it to bloom the gelatin


I mean I wouldn’t have expected the mycelium would have been able to properly innoculate. considering the pH in the tomato would have been fairly acidic this would have killed any opportunity. My understanding is the reason the Uncle Ben’s rice works because the starches are easily digested with little flavoring outside of dry spices.

Fun to experiment none the less

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Need to use more citric acid in these, Im 100% sure a lower pH helps availability.
Use 30 second burst in the microwave, or shorter, for that size recipe.


I could do the lemon Tek and mix that into the water?


or dissolve the citric acid or tartaric into the water you plan to seep/extract with.


One thing to note! I used to put them in 00 capsules, 0.5g in each. I quickly recognized that the capsules postponed the onset and you never got that peak. That’s comparing to the traditional, just eat them plain, method.


I follow this until the acetone wash…I like the goo extract…but def wanna try this out. thanks for the info.


Anyone with experience looking at sporse under microscope that are not cubenis, but paneleous tropicallis, etc…please dm me!

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Look up inoculate the west on IG. IMHO, one of the few that studies and documents spores under scope. He may have the answers you seek