PSA on Lab Testing

PSA on genetics COA’s: Pay attention to the LOQ % column. While shopping genetics I came across a strain with 21.88% CBDA and ND for THC and THCA, wow! Seemed like exactly what I was looking for, until I looked at the LOQ: 2.24% for THC. Watch out for this in your genetics research.

Edit: Some labs may use a higher LOQ then report anything below as <LOQ%, and ND as truly not detected. Contact the lab that performed the testing to verify their reporting protocols.


what lab did they use?

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CAL - Consumables Analytical Labratory out of Santa Paula CA

Do any of you guys ever think the the legal limit will be revised? Or they are just gonna go ahead and decriminalize THC

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I think we’ll see 1% before full legalization.


What is LOQ % ?

" LOQLOQ means, “Limit of Quantitation”. This is the lowest level that we can accurately quantitate (or count) for each analyte that we report . The LOQ varies from sample to sample based on the weight and the dilution factor used for testing."

Basically accuracy of measurement.

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this is a good warning - however, I’m a little confused by what this lab is doing. thats an incredibly high LOQ. LOD (detection) on an HPLC should be a fraction of a percent…

theyre either lazy or incompetent.


Or the COA is deliberately performed to mislead customers into thinking the strain will put out 20% with no risk of going hot. That was the only reason I could come up with for why there’s such a variation in their LOQ for individual cannabinoids. CBG, which adds value to seed, is down to .45% while THC which removes seed value, is 2.24%. That’s strange to me. I’m not saying its definitely deliberate, but it seems sketchy.


For comparison, here is what i typically expect a COA to look like

yeah that was my thought was the lab is intentionally massaging the data


Yeah, that is definitely deliberate obsfucation.

Thanks for calling them out.


Quantitates CBDA to two decimal places. Claims they’ve got no way of knowing what 2% THC looks like.

Liars and thieves!!


Is it possible that this test was requested solely for CBD and CBG potency, so the tech just increased the LOQ for items not requested?

Customer explicitly paid for it would be my first guess. There may be more charitable ways of looking at it. Not feeling charitable right now…


aha! i always forget the third option, tomfoolery

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i love using outdated verbs like tomfoolery to yell at kids. They know they’re doing something wrong, they just don’t quite understand what hah.




what cyclopath said, thats the only explanation. They are trying to hide the fact that THC is in there.