Protected terms in cannabis

Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?

Or are you engaged in gossip?

Hard stop.

Iā€™ll present the on topic question again.

Should nut water be allowed to be labelled as milk?

Seems like an extremely relevant argument thatā€™s happening in the courts right now


Not without a specific word attached to it

Milk = dairy

Nut milk is obviously not, unless they obscure the part about nuts

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Youre getting defensive,

Were talking about standardization and regs- you are the one jumping off topic here

I being up GLGc because it appears to be a standardization and attempt at regulatory oversight of the industry

But without transparency Nd a clear set of ethical guidelines, i feel that you will be repeating the nevada experiment all over again

And that would be a crying shame

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Does ACAB include the nut-milk police?


I think yes and the reason is that it is a substitute for milk regardless of allergy or health choice

So any protein rich liquid with a creamy mouthfeel is considered milk?

Beause i can substitue blood for egg yolks in my custard and baking recipes due to the coagulating properties,

If i began marketing extreme carnivore blood eggs, could i legally call them eggs? Meat eggs?

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As long as you specify they arenā€™t really the product theyā€™re designed to mimickšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Donā€™t make it eggs+ or milk+ like oregrown did with this shitty ā€œlive resin+ā€ distillate cart

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So many assholes in Washington selling ā€œlive resinā€ carts that are mainly distillate


I got a CO2/ethanol live resin cart from avitas that tastes like AVB, Iā€™m pretty butthurt ngl

So much hidden boof


No gunna lie, i always cry a little when I decarb diamonds but when you compare the diamond carts to disty carts it is very noticeable


My brain canā€™t even compute how they could call anything made with ethanol a live resin


if your trying to max your yields with CO2 you kind of need EtOH to clean up the fats or the cart would clog like a mofo, add live HTE and bam you have a counterfeit knock off BS marketing play & can wear your chad badge with pride


Letā€™s just come up with new terms to throw at custies.

Thatā€™s all those ass hats are doing anyways. Letā€™s market this to seem like more than it isā€¦

Quality is king.


If a product is targeted to be a substitution for another such as Sweet 'N Low VS Sugar for instance, then it seems to get its own designation, I wonder how this happened & what impact it had on sugar producers prior to the regs surrounding it now were implemented

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We should make Chad badges and give them to folks like itā€™s a good thing.

ā€you earned your Chad badge bro, congratsā€


Oh man, you just gave me a good idea ā€¦

Introducing Chad Coin


@Soxhlet can you make us some Chad coins??

Pick any dickhead of your choosing for the face


Been my experience too

Steve would be the best choice right?