Protected terms in cannabis

Exactly what my goal is. Every BM plug(Plug as in buys and resells not manufacturer) see’s a custy as a custy. A guy told me he buys orange concentrates now cause people think that clear concentrates = CRC which to custys, CRC = bad. I said to guy maybe educate them what proper CRC looks like so you can sell them safe products and not some orange crap, and he still said no. These are the people that need to be replaced


The sugar/diamond one is annoying to me, it seems like 80% of the diamonds in the OK market right now are just sugar, seriously stop calling sugar, diamonds, it’s lame.


We need to establish some scale like this along with clarity


Do you know any other pharmaceutical isolate which is graded by clarity or size?

If people were just honest with what they got this would be a lot simpler. We don’t need a scale or chart. Purity should be the scale.

Diamonds should look like diamonds of some shape or form and sugar should look the same.

Everyone wants to upsell their product. When enough people get sick of getting ripped off they will switch to something better. Usually an open market will eventually take care of the fakers.


slow down, mr. president.


Haha if you can’t tell the difference between a 5 year whiskey and a 15 year whiskey then maybe you need to “slow down”


I want to know the type of oil or flower used in the legal edibles I buy. In Oregon, we just see the amount of cannabinoids but not the strain, extract type, etc.

You could also probably get away with saying “live resin gummies” using distillate with live terps, and I don’t like that.


I only drink cheap shitty whisky. I wouldn’t know the difference.


There is the real issue. The bulk of ip law is federal. States could make their own standards, but then we end up with a different standard in every state…like california for what seems like everything. They want to be a leader, but I don’t think our system is built for the states to lead the feds. It is supposed to be the other way.


Stop calling sugared up shatter diamonds for that matter


We totally have. There’s an entire ASTM committee about this - D37 - and there’s multiple standards on terminology. I just voted on like 20 more terms this past week.

Join us. <3

Whether or not people use the terms as the standard intends is always up to discussion and strange marketing gimmicks. But its not because we are not doing the legwork.

I just started a work item for us all to vote on things related to solventless and solvent based extraction - and different types of products (new and old) that are out there. :slight_smile:

Totally. There’s grades based on particle size, color, clarity (for non-solids), and also grades based on impurities and types of impurities. You know?


In my experience the cannabis industry is made up of 90+% chads, wannabes, bullshitters, scammers, idiots, greedy bastards who don’t give a fuck about anything but dolahs. I’m not sure if there even are enough good people attracted to that industry.



With that you don’t know if I mean too high of an estimate or too low, and that’s the point.

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It means “at least 90%”, and that’s according to my experience. Maybe not yours.

I got some chroma budder diamonds sauce badder

Technically it’s only sold on a state level. All states have up protection on the books. The issue is you have to register enforce your rights in multiple states.

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And I apologize for your ignorance

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