Propane VS N-Butane extraction

I have to start using it more

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This is a test of using the iOS feature that lets me cooy and drag from any app on my iPad It would save a gob of time with some of my sketches…

If I am limited in how
i communicate then this really helps.Breatfast first then Imconquer the world… one dab at a time…


Wow!!! it worked great to copy and paste from iMessage just the
Graphic that I wrote. Then I drug it over and dropped in the f4200 window no problems.


Simple snaps of your process will be much easier to pass along.


I havent seen this addressed Anywhere.

So my question is if mixes of different tanes/propane. if They have different boiling point. Wouldnt they separate in the tane bottle and come out at different times also. So if you weren’t using all the tane in your bottle wouldnt the mixture be different.

Like if i were to buy a tank of 70/30 and was topping off a smaller bottle.


Continued here

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I see how this would apply if you blended yourself and used everything in the bottle you blended.

So im wondering if a 22lb bottle of 7030 is 15.4 lbs and 6.6lbs. Wouldnt the propane come out first until the 6.6lbs was gone .

If you are allowing your solvent to evaporate out of your tank and condense in your extraction vessel then yes. However, if you’re flowing solvent out of the liquid dip tube then it will come out at whatever ratio the liquid is in inside the tank.


I just thought that the different boiling points would would cause a different resting temp of each which would cause layering

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Nah, they totally miscible with each other regardless of pressure and temp. Of course, butane might start freezing before propane does.


Cool very good to know. I picked up 7030 n and was thinking i might need to pull out the propane in a different tank.
Yep i start reading stuff and confused myself

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Good shit. I’m just trying to switch over to straight ntane right now from 70/30, I’ll let you know how it goes.


Damn, it was hard reading this. You are missed my friend


Hi there. The reason that it is impossible to make shatter with pure propane is because propane purges out of your end product incredibly quickly and easily. Propane should be 100% dissolved in about 3 days at room temperature. Butane stays in your concentrate much easier and longer and keeps all other ingredients in your extract separated, which is why it’s clear and see through. You have to have residual butane in shatter to make it be shatter, and without any solvent left in the end product, it won’t stay shatter. Which is why propane is so bad for trying to make shatter with


Correct, as long as you keep them liquid your good. As soon as you convert to a vapor is when there is separation. I have it understood you recover the propane first so after so many runs your mix goes high propane. I think I witnessed this as my pressure would rise a few(10) runs to about 150psi. Seems like I was getting propane Heavy.

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Or its neither, the solvent to volume of the tank is so low it requires more psi, n2 to push it through? what size solvent tank? I can seee it both ways

Tomorrow I will do our first run with pure propane through at ets mep CLS. Any advice you can give me. Our investors are looking to get shatter from it, from what I’ve been reading it seems almost impossible. Know where I can find an SOP on it. Thanks I’m advance

Good food for thought. Had a conversation with an extractor a few weeks ago that got me thinking. I have a 90lb capacity solvent tank and have run from 70% n-butane/30% propane to 30% butane / 70% propane. Now I’m imagining the heavier butane sitting on the bottom and the lighter propane sitting above it.

So I have a four column rack and if I empty my solvent tank filling four columns. Under previous assumptions about an azeotrope forming I imagined sending this blend of solvents into all four columns. But now understanding the azeotropic bonds may not be what I thought. If the heavier butane is sitting on the bottom of the tank, it would be drawn up first by the diptube, with propane sitting above it. Am I washing nearly pure butane over column 1 and by the time I get to column 4, sending mostly propane? That would impact extraction efficiency, right?

On some previous equipment with a good chiller and ~50 columns I could fill the columns completely to soak and the pressures would be identical across all 4 columns. If the blend was changing as solvent was sent, wouldn’t there be slightly different pressures at identical temperatures?

I spent months tracking the loss of solvents in blends. I liked adding alil propane for faster crude runs and the ntane is lost and everyday more a ratio of propane is left.

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Its not impossible, ive done it many times. I just tends to pull more terps and makes it a lil harder to shatter up with alot of terps. Material dependent of course,

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