Propaganda : It Works!

Here’s how the terps overlap with the “Sativa / Indica / Hybrid” labeling. Basically all the same.

Here’s how it looks if we classify chemotypes by their dominant terps

Far more differentiation.

He explains in far more detail in the paper


Honestly I don’t think I really agree with this. I made some carts of pure unflavored distillate, passed them around, and many said they were on par or better than the versions with terps added. And they were definitely much easier on the lungs, less coughing. Now these had a decent assortment of cannabinoids, CBG CBC etc, but were like 85% THC and no terps at all. That was all I was vaping for a while. I thought it was actually really nice.


I’m tired of everyone shaming the black market as a whole. Everyone deserves the opportunity to make their own cart company if they want to. The barrier for entry in California is insanely expensive.

Why not simply set testing requirements and shame untested products. Prosecute companies that pop dirty. I understand that counterfeits have been an issue and that is going to take some continuous effort to combat.


I mean, the government allowed legitimate legal companies to use vitamin e acetate as a cutting agent and let them hide behind IP laws to prevent consumers from knowing what was in the product and doing their own research to see that the MSD sheet on that shit specifically mentions the dangers of inhalation. So much for the government protecting consumers. :roll_eyes:

If you rely on the government to guarantee your safety and don’t do your own research, you’re a fool. Trusting the government to protect you despite their track record is ignorance at its finest.


That’s part of the oppression. The fallacy of legalization is that it is still prohibition, just with different rules.

@Apothecary36 to be clear, I’m not in anyway opposed to the BM (free market). Its the “legal” highly regulated markets that force black markets to exist in the first place that I oppose


Ah ha, but that is a bit of education you spread by passing around that uncut/unflavored product.

It doesn’t matter. The consumers want those labels. Doesn’t matter if I think the label is stupid, the customer doesn’t.

I mean if you want to lie to your customers for profit, that’s on you…


They got flavored versions alongside the unflavored, for side to side comparison. It wasn’t a matter of them just liking them because they were free. Believe me we were all swimming in free carts, but a number of people told me they were exclusively on the unflavored ones after a while.

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Maybe it’s just me & family but I’ve chased land race genetics over the world & back for 30 years. Never stepped foot into a dispensary until last November so that was the first time I was introduced to distillate. Since then used over 100 g’s of it in edibles & carts and at the end of it left me wanting my bho. I have 0 love for it, like throwing the baby out with the bath water. To each there own.


I’m exclusively on sauce carts. Cannabinoids are cool but the terpenes make things interesting


Pass along a classification can hardly be considered lying.

The game is to provide customers with the product they want, not tell them they are stupid.

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Now you know that that classification is false. Call mislabeling what you want, but it’s definitely not honest.

The smart business is out there educating their customers on the difference between Terpenes and their effects, and selling product based on honesty.

Eventually customers catch on to the fact that all the strains labeled Sativa / Indica have no correlation to the effects, but the ones that taste and smell similarly do


There’s a strong market for real education. That’s what made the local CBD company I worked for stand out among local competitors, and what is saving it now despite increased market saturation. They had an RN on staff to work with people who were on a bunch of different medications and they would sometimes tell people straight up that CBD wasn’t going to be right for them because of possible negative side-effects with some meds like serotonin syndrome and others related to CYP450 inhibition . We dispelled myths of CBD being a “miracle cure” for certain conditions and advised customers to save their money and go for other treatment options when we knew CBD wasn’t going to help them. Sometimes we would give customers high-dose tinctures to try for free when they would come in with a 150mg tincture from a competitor complaining that it didn’t work for them. We would supply them with peer reviewed studies and make sure they were as well informed as possible, even if it costed us sales.

Sales that were lost by telling people the truth were more than made up for by word of mouth that we would be honest with customers. Any dummy can sell cannabis products, but customers keep coming back to the people who put their knowledge and well-being above profits.


When on Monday you sell someone a strain dominant in myrcene, and call it Sativa, then on Wednesday sell them a different strain dominant in linalool, and call it Sativa as well…

They are going to eventually catch on


The classification isn’t false, it just doesn’t mean much of anything.

I use it mostly for growth characteristics, not effect or terps or whatever you think it means.


Some people need to learn the hard way.

I tell people I can’t tell the difference between sativa and indica. And they tell me they can.

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Those labels may have meant something when first applied (geographical growth patterns) but have since been completely bastardized…

I posted two papers, one peer reviewed. This isn’t just “what I think”


Many lack yours or any ethics, on multiple fronts.

Good people do the right thing…folks assume too many people are good people.

Regulation protects against the bad for the majority of folks who dont have the luxury to think or are too trusting or naive. Its a protection for the m"asses".

And it sucks for the folks who inherently do the right thing.

In 1950, sure…

Do the wrong thing in 2019, see how long it takes for you to get exposed

This is the broken mindset of our government that mostly consists of old white people who think they can delete their emails and be free and clear