Pressing Freeze Dried Flower into Rosin? Or hashing it?

Tried searching first, didn’t find much. Happen to have about a lb of freeze dried flower and I don’t really want to sell it or process it into products because we only freeze dried it as we are in a pinch for space and time. Seeing that it was more or less and experiment I’d like to continue my curiosity.

Firstly, tried to hash it, but with my normal process that produces some decent dry sift it came out really green, whereas normally it would be solid 4 star. Maybe I just needed it colder I thought, but didn’t have more dry ice.

So, moved on to just trying to press it straight into rosin. Again, came out super dark with my normal parameters. Is it chlorophyll that has not been degraded since it’s freeze dried?

It still tastes AMAZING but the color is so terrible. Should I perhaps be pressing this more like bubble Hash?

Any thoughts or input would be great. Really just fucking around, but I know there are companies in Cali built around freeze dried /“live cured” buds so it has to be possible and I haven’t seen that much info on it here.



My thoughts are simply that when freeze drying you make the plant material so crispy removing all the moisture that when it does get pressed or sifted or what have you that due to it’s ‘crisp’ you’re getting particulate that’s passing through your filtration bags.

Maybe check the sift output under a microscope - if you see plant material you’ll know exactly why then you can just refine the sift a bit and hopefully pull the plant material before pressing


If this is the cause, maybe you could mitigate it with a wash? Just let it soak extra after you fill the bags


I mean at that point its sort of moot since you’d be freeze drying the plant material, reintroducing moisture into the dried material and then have to freeze dry the output all over again. Could help but makes for a lot more work and an underermined outcome because if the material is that brittle dry it could still be just as prone to breaking apart into tiny bits in water


Just sift it in the freezer or a cold room as is. Don’t use dry ice on such a brittle bio mass to begin with. That’s what’s milling down the bio into fine particulates and not essentially knocking the trichomes off. You’re beating the material to fine with dry ice added into an already no moisture having bio.

Make sure to keep everything cold though to retain best color and hopefully the dryness of the bio didn’t just oxidize your oils.


Theres multiple ways to clean up green dry sift but the most direct method to clean heads is the old school static tech.
Alternatively, u can get a 25 micron screen put it over a shop vac hose and put the shop vac on a peddle controller.
Place the hose over a thin layer of ur green sift. Press the peddle for half a second. Then brush off what got stuck on the screen back onto the thin layer.
Keep repeating until ur stuff clears up.
At that point u can go the other way and start doing static collections


That’s all great info. I’ve heard of folks curing their freeze dried flower to equal out the moisture content. I’d assume it’s less brittle then/less chlorophyll then too. Currently trying that out, hopefully it will solve some of what you all said. And yeah, I really need to build a cold room. I see low temp plates have a tutorial on this.

Thanks all! Especially a great spoon from @Thetetraguy

@Cascade_hemp this could possibly be used to hash. Harvest → wash/soak → freeze → freeze dry → dry sift. Although I’m past this point and don’t know if this would be worth doing vs bubble Hash lol. You’d lose Terpenes in the soak too but you could technically freeze that wash water and freeze dry them → reclaim. Lmao

Ive done that once just for shit and giggles, the terps get sucked into the ice.
There was almost nothing left on the trays after 3 days of freeze drying.
Only thing i can think of that would help the process is setting up a diaghram pump and then freezing what comes out the exhaust. That way u can still pull deep but not have ur terps stripped off into the exhaust of the pump

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We’ve seen promising results running freeze dried material through our Luna…


I am not familiar. Knowing you, I bet if I search your posts I’ll find some info on it.

BHO. Not where you are aiming, but if you can’t squish it, there are other options…It puts the Cannabis in the tube, & then it walks away again

I may have mentioned running lyophilized material though it in passing…but we haven’t played with it much. Just some rejects from “smokable flower” R&D at this point.


I remember the conversations of lypholization on flower that’s been freezer burned, very helpful shit for a lot of folks