Podcasts to Go Work To

Huge fan of the music thread

But personally I use solo work time to educate myself with audio books and podcasts.

A couple of my favorite podcasts:

Dan Carlin “Hardcore History”
Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast”
Planet Money
Radio Lab
Breaking Points

And here’s the most recent of the past 100 audiobooks I’ve consumed

Anybody else prefer to learn while they work? What do you listen to?


I really enjoy new episodes of “A life Lived”, which is an interview show with friends and loved ones of famous people who have died. My recent favorites include Gene Wilder, Bruce Lee, and Prince.

I also like “Oh No, Ross and Carrie”, where the hosts discuss “alternative” science and medicine topics. They do so in a very open and objective mindset that I find refreshing.

The “History of Egypt” podcast by Dominic Perry is an interesting narrative that I enjoy as a long term interest project. Right now I am listening to the episodes on Hatshepsut and Thutmose III

Since I am a psychology graduate student, I should also recommend “Two Psychologists, Four Beers” in which the hosts discuss current topics in the world of psychology. I don’t drink beer, but they have a section where they talk about the beer they’re drinking as well.

I also enjoy video game interest podcasts from time to time on duckfeed.tv. This forum isn’t really oriented for that, but if anyone wants to spend the time, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.


Myths and Legends is a super fun podcast. Guy retells myths and legends from around the world. Pretty simple, but the guy has great cadence and tone. There’s some great stories to be heard.


There is an Amazon TV series about Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth that you may enjoy if you like Myths and Legends.

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Joseph Campbell is amazing


Periodic Effects: Cannabis Business Science

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One of my favorites to read, but the podcast I mentioned is not him.

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Project Hail Mary was one of my favorite books from last year.
The underworld podcast is a great one to have going while I work.

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:100: Also, of your haven’t enjoyed the audio book version of The Martian and Artemis, they are a treat. For folks who aren’t into science fiction, don’t say no. This is very much great character driven fiction in a sci-fi setting. And for geeks and nerds who like math-as-narrative, you’ll get that itch scratched too.

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Ya both of those were excellent!

If you are into sci-fi, the first like 6-7 books of the Expanse were great.


My go-to for quite a while now has been Doughboys, a podcast review about fast-food and chain restaurants. Has two hosts both Improv comics from the Hollywood scene, B-list guests doing crude funny reviews of your favorite shitty chain restaurants. For whatever reason it just really connects. Welcome to Night Vale and Hello From the Magic Tavern are fantastic too.

Maybe I’m a brainless zombie but I mostly listen to hip hop podcasts lol.

No jumper The Dale Brown Interview: Self Defense, Dealing with Hate, Defund The Police & More - YouTube
Million dollaz worth of game

Gf says she likes the murder mystery podcasts such as “my favorite murder” . She says it’s educational as a woman in a self defense kind of aspect.

My buddy likes to listen to “the last podcast on the left” they had a long jfk special that I enjoyed.

Podcasts will get you through a long drive better than music


My wife says the same thing, but it’s really so they know how to take us out and get away with it. As long as she hasn’t taken out an insurance policy on you yet, should be okay for a while. Haha


My mom loves my favorite murder lol.

They have a pretty cool business model for their swag, where they encourage fans to create and sell their own MFM swag

Which she has decided to capitalize on


Some really great suggestions on this thread; one that has fruitful for my own development work is the Huberman Lab. Andrew Huberman is a Neurobiologist at Stanford that teaches at home protocals for improving your sleep, breathing, attention and learning and dopamine/motivation system. It’s 20% Neurobiology and the rest is very consumable for lay persons.

Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging - Huberman Lab


Joe Budden’s podcast can be hilarious at times and also offer insight to the rnb + rap music scene. Found some banger rnb hits over the last few years just occasionally tuning in.

Not a podcast per say but streaming Star Talk from youtube on my phone at the start of pandemic was relaxing for me.

Lot of great suggestions above me. Think the history of egypt by @Sweet_D is what I’ll check out first.

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I am a big fan of Ben Greenfield! He is my go to regarding health and human optimization. The Ben Greenfield Podcast - Ben Greenfield Fitness

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