Nope humidifier, I’ll get pictures tomorrow.
21 day veg on some leftover apples and bananas. We have had some issues dialing in these rooms but finally it’s looking better.
Looks great man!
So I have been reading back through your posts in this thread and it sounds like you just recently moved into this facility, is that correct?
I’m thinking about getting back into hydro growing.
Can you share anymore pics of your facility and how it’s setup? Can you tell us about it’s overall size, meaning the building size and number of lights and rooms?
I see you mentioned it’s a micro facility, what exactly does that mean and do you run things by yourself or do you have employees at all?
I see this style of grow room that you have built seems to be fairly common these days with the long rolling tables and that style of irrigation plumbing. I like it.
The last time I was involved with “warehouse” grows was around 10 years ago and I notice some things are the same as back then and some are extremely different. I’m trying to catch up. Haha, last time my knowledge was current people had just started setting up irrigation systems using the octa-bubblers, made famous by the Jungle Boys guy, and I was beginning to experiment with getting off the bottled nutes and trying Jack’s 321 plus blending my own salts.
Our micro license is good for 2150 sq ft, we are running it myself my wife and one employee for now.
Today we are day 9 of flower on these cereal milk, apples and bananas. Took some programming updating on the hvac but they are getting them dialed in more everyday, I know it’s for sure different growing under the higher ppfd from the hps then what I’m used to so I’ve been also trying to get used to that as well. We’ve got a bit of a k deficiency that I’m not used to seeing during transition, i think ive been trying to push ppfd to much.
You can foliar salts to make up for any deficiency. We have a zinc and copper deficiency and our soil guy recommended some shit the color of windex but I e are only foliar feeding it so it’s fine
We use living soiland I still foliar salts and chems and the plants love it and the soil stays pristine. I foliar up to week 3 in flower
In the last 24 hours I think they have been looking better, I raised the feed ec yesterday and gave them a foliar like you said tonight, so hopefully I’m on the right track.
“What a difference a day makes” is my favorite motto for cultivation
I have seen the root zone in small blocks cause a k deficiency from lack of o2
Do a tutorial on those sweet light raisers
Very very clean looking build
First cycle through the keeper pheno on a hunt of TrainWreck. This particular pheno is probably not true to strain as TrainWreck should be Sativa leaning and taller. I popped 6 beans and the other 5 phenos were much more in line with the strain characteristics. With that being said this pheno was far more desirable to my tastes.
I wish I had a decent camera
Beautiful garden shots Medicine.grower!
When you mentioned the K deficiency it made me think of what @emdub27 said over in the Athena Nutrient Analysis thread.
Do you guys do any crop steering?
Do you use a system to monitor the EC, water content and temp of the medium? I love seeing those graph readouts of all these variables.
What about tissue analysis, do you guys do any of that?
Tissue analysis paired with soil analysis tells you pretty much everything you need to know besides environment
We monitor the moisture content and pwec with teros 12 sensors, now that I’m at a bigger scale we are going to be doing tissue analysis.
This is The Machine from Irie Genetics, grown outdoors. I like this variety a lot, smells like lemons.
Looks amazing. Good shit.
1 of 3 potential keepers from the pack of I-95 X gorilla nut from @AgTonik all were fire but 3 def stand out…. Also found a fucking STUD of a male!!! Overall wound up with 8 fems 4 males 100% germ rate!!! Can’t wait to pop more of these gorilla nut X’s !!!