Athena nutrients analysis

I don’t run any fixed ratios. I try to achieve the tissue analysis sufficiency ranges and DRIS that I have established over the years. That data cost me and my business partners a lot to develop. For that reason is doesn’t get shared. At some point it will probably be published, but I don’t know when.

What I can tell you is that I’ve achieved the same targets and approximately the same yield at anywhere from 1.5ec to 3.5ec feed. The ratios in solution vary wildly from the lower end to the higher end to achieve the same end product. The necessary ratios also change drastically based on the environmentals. In my opinion, based on tissue and yield data over roughly 60 facilities at this point, every tissue sufficiency study published for cannabis is wrong. Every published tissue study has focused on averages, and nothing else. Cannabis is not special and it’s tissue analysis should look similar to other dicots. I’ve also never walked in to a new facility that wasn’t low on potassium.