Pine Resin Remediation from "shatter" (D8 distillate slabs)

I really wish I had the money to open a testing facility


Or the substance contaminating the product is so far off the spectrum that no one would even think to test for it


@Kinsmanofthesun can attest to this being a very real problem

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We need to know what to look for or we almost canā€™t test for it. Seems like the cannabis is only testing what they are looking for.

Itā€™s really crazy that itā€™s 2021 and we have only scratched the surface of testing


Id say most cannabis labs are really good at testing cannabisā€¦ They pretty much got to the bottom of that plant, chemically and genetically.

But you mofos are not asking us to test plant matter any more. It is a tall order to expect methods to quantify/detect for infinite variety of simi-unknown analytes. And then you want them validated to pharma specs for a product that has almost no testing demand and is going to last like 6moā€¦ no other industry is expected to do this. Let us have some realistic expectations of cannabis labsā€¦


Can we start with fda banned substances??


I see all the ā€˜you wantā€™, ā€˜you wantā€™, ā€˜you wantsā€™, but have yet to hear about a lab turning down testing. As far as labs are concerned, you want money and thatā€™s all. Amazing watching coas come in from different labs with totally different results from the same materialā€¦ yet every lab claims THEIR results are accurate. Nice to see a testing facility employee admit they are out of their league with testing yet still have their hands out for payment.


But if the method of remediation the pine sap involves normal phase flash through some florisil using ether:pet ether, you also get the added value of un-poisoning your d8. Thatā€™s the real value IMO and needs to be done regardless of pine sap content apparently


Nope. No chroma. No expensive medias

Yoo is what your taking about the shit Iā€™ve seen videos of dudes hitting it and it solidifying in their mouths aka also their fucking lungs?

The prices for kca lab D8 from the lab itself are not that far off from 1k and I also have some distillate from acs lab ā€œdea certifiedā€ I donā€™t have issues havenā€™t had issues other than some ā€œshitterā€ that the guy I got it from later told me it was hot at 4% d9 by then it had all sold.

Are my people lying to me? Wonā€™t name them but they are big big players in the D8 gold rush. Iā€™m just amazed at how many negative experiences have been shared. I do have lung issues from smoke inhalation and tuberculosis so I usually smoke bud only carts however are always tempting but limited with no issues so far Iā€™ve gone trough about 2 carts a week. I just really trust that I am putting the right product out there without any bullshit in it.

This shit just makes me nervous as fuck itā€™s all over the damn place


@Mosaic_Co-Labs We developed a sure fire way to eliminate te all of the pine resin out of those slabs. If anybody needs any tech hit me up for the SOP :rofl:




Why donā€™t you offer to buy it. Realistically thatā€™s how someoneā€™s going to recoup anything without putting more capital forward. Your offer is going to be low to them, akin to trim costs vs pound costs, but it should lessen the blow and rid the processor of any headaches of explanation (to anyone, customer or seller).
You on the other hand are now separated from the complaint and can resell the d8 as such with a clean reputation and make a small profit on the clean up.


How much ya need, realistically? And do you have the man power needed to keep up with orders?


Letā€™s crowdfund a testing lab in Oregon, itā€™d be nice to be able to collect data on regular street drugs as well. Seems like itā€™s doable given that everything is decriminalized now


Hell ya! Testing facilities are having serious difficulty keeping up with methods and standards for dealing with the rapid developments in scammers using adulterants and conversion chemists implementing catalytic synthesis.

I look at it like thisā€¦

If someone has compliant D8 shatter Iā€™d be happy to help for a fee that would make it less painful than taking a complete lossā€¦for example;

If you spend $800 per pound on D8/Pine Resin shatter and buy 100 lbs. for $80K and that 100 lbs. is letā€™s say 20% pine sap and 5% flavoring/terps, then after remediation you would be left with 75 lbs. of product most likely suitable for ediblesā€¦provided potency analytics do not display any mystery peaks and known cannabinoid TAC is high enough to leave few unknowns in the productā€¦then you would now have 75 lbs. or 34 kilos valued at maybe $1000 wholesale so youā€™d recoup $34000 minimum. Now if broken down and sold as gummiesā€¦well you do the mathā€¦but either way itā€™s better to be out $20-50K than all $80K if you just tossed it in the burn pile :man_shrugging:

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for real like bitch donā€™t kill my vibe

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You should see how many people here think they are getting ā€œlive resinā€ slabs for $3600šŸ˜³

Who even pours live resin into slabs


Dat tangie


:skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: Damn I spit up my Gatorade :sob::sob::sob::sob: