Especially if you just use water to knock off the trichomes with shear… who wants all the rest of the shit.
Here are some additional comments of Phenolate chemistry in aqueous base:
“The same analytes were further tested using the same column, but under basic conditions, where tetramethylam- monium hydroxide was used as the pH modifier. A fast separation was again obtained. The pH of the mobile phase (ca. pH 11.4 for the A/B 40:60 mixture, see caption to Fig. 3)is above the pKa for a protonated amine, i.e., the pKa values for the protonated forms of methyl amine, dimethyl amine, and trimethyl amine are 10.62, 10.64, and 9.76, respec- tively [32], so we expect the column to exist in a substantially deprotonated (neutral) state at this pH (see Fig. 1). Clearly one would expect the retention of an anionic species to decrease with increasing mobile phase pH on this column, i.e., with increasing pH there will be fewer protonated amines in the stationary phase. Figure 3B shows the isocratic separation of THCA, CBN, CBD, and THC at pH ca. 11.4 (see Supporting Information Fig. S2 for magnified views of CBN, CBD, and THC in Fig. 3B). As expected, the order of elution (selectivity) is substantially changed compared to the separation at low pH in Fig. 3A. The more polar, acidic THCA, which will certainly be deprotonated, is retained less and elutes early. The neutral species that were less retained (CBN, CBD, and THC) at low pH now elute after THCA.
All of the cannabinoids considered in this study are phe- nolic in nature. The pKa of phenol in water is 9.98 [33, 34]. Accordingly, one would expect (i) phenol in water to be sub- stantially deprotonated at pH 11.4, and (ii) that in its depro- tonated state, it would behave similarly to a deprotonated carboxyl group on the C18, mixed-mode column. However, the pKa values of anionic analytes in water are substantially different from the corresponding pKa values of the same an- alytes in water/organic mixtures. For example, Sarmini and Kenndler showed that the pKa of benzoic acid changes by ca. two units with a change in solvent from 100:0 water/ethanol to 40:60 water/ethanol [35]. However, even a change of this magnitude would not alter the fact that THCA is deproto- nated under the conditions corresponding to the separation in Fig. 4. Sarmini and Kenndler also showed that Ga (kJ/mol) for ionization of acetic acid, benzoic acid, and phenol in wa- ter and methanol change from 27.1 to 54.2, 24.0 to 53.0, and 56.9 to 82.0, respectively [35]. These results suggest that the pKa values of the phenolic –OH groups in our analytes sim- ilarly increase in a substantial way as they are surrounded by a progressively more organic medium, and that a signif- icant fraction of the phenolic –OH groups are protonated under the conditions of our elevated pH separation. Thus, the greater retention of CBN, CBD, and THC at pH ca. 11.4 is not unexpected. Finally, Sarmini and Kenndler showed that the pKa values of protonated amines in methanol are very similar to their values in water. Accordingly, it is expected that the pKa values of the amine groups in the stationary phase remain nearly unchanged in a water/organic mixture compared to water [35]. Thus, at ca. pH 11.4, the amines in the stationary phase should be in a mostly neutral (deproto- nated) state, able to retain cannabinoids through hydrophobic interactions [28, 29]. (Hung, et al., 2015: DOI 10.1002/jssc.201500156). Reference 35 in this paper is worth reading as well: J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 38 (1999) 123–137 (Sarmini and Kenndler mentioned in discussion above)