Perfect Sugar BHO

Your running warm n tane pushed with propane…this makes me curious.

Why do you run warm solvent as opposed to cold?


Because the custys can’t afford it


Your a G lol

I’m a sucker. I run cold and sell it for bottom dollar lol. fml


Maybe you’re referring to @Roguelab who suggested to use propane to strip volatile, then extract cannabinoids


I use dry ice and used to push with nitro. Now I just have a small 10lb butane tank I heat lightly and push through my material column or dewax column. No more burping the nitro. After I did it the 1st time I never used nitro again.


Try making that a 10 lb propane tank, no more heating!


Will that build enough pressure to get through a crc?

I have switched from burping from collection to vacuuming the nitrogen out from the recovery tank.

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With a large fresh w1 column, yes. But on run number 2 or 3 you get clogging of fats


+1 on this. I been running all fresh frozen and build plenty of pressure and pick up very little fats and my dewax column holds as much as my collection pot. Right now I use a Iso heavy iso/butane/propane blend but want to switch to a propane heavy blend so I am gonna order propane and start using propane for push and then see how propane heavy I can get my blend as I want the most terps. I would rather leave a little THC than those fresh frozen terps yumm.

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Try straight iso.

Butane yields with propane terps. Imo (yes I have ran nearly straight propane)

The BP is easier to work with too in comparison to propane (sure you are already aware of this)

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Nothing like watching 300 lbs of liquid butane get pushed by 1-2 lbs of propane though


Not arguing about the push! Pretty bad ass.

Just saying why I like using iso as my primary solvent.

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Oops :laughing: didn’t read

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I’ve actually been doing something very similar, I thought that this process was what the kids called a “hot vapor loop”… Or some such similar shit…


Is using your recovery pump and pumping the gas (pre coil/condenser) back to the top of your material column.

If I’m wrong someone please correct me. This is my understanding of it (I run passive, so not speaking from experience)

I think what you are doing would just be called a warm/hot vapor push, not a loop


What I’m running now is close. I mixed 12lbs 50/25/25 butane/iso/propane and mixed with 23lbs straight iso so about 80/10/10. Now I wanna try propane heavy to compare. I’m getting 4% with my current blend/strain.


Please keep me updated on how you like the heavy propane mix.
Looking back on my propane experience, I would have soaked for 20 minutes instead of the 5-10 that I did. I was 3-4 percent less on yield compared to n-butane, running the same material and parameters (hope that’s the right word lol)

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I will. I am getting 4% fresh frozen so more like 16% if it was dry. I have never soaked 20 mins. I only do a 5 min soak. 1st propane heavy run will be a 5 min soak and if yield is bad but no fats/waxes I will try a longer soak. Gonna run the same strain so will be able to get a good comparison. Hoping the yield is close but mostly interested in the difference in the terps. I live for terps LOL.


Neither had I. Until I did it with isobutane. I’m sold. Lol


Do you have a sleeved column with a di slurry in it while you’re soaking?