Outdoor prices upcoming October Oklahoma

How low will it go?

Dispensary owner buddies readying for $50 ounces, every person who’s a cannaexpert with their version of outdoor fire, coming in the door 5-10 times per day. Everybody got a story…

Just curious prices? I’m hearing tells of newbies and even others not being able to unload their weed at any prices.

Quality is ranging from hay to ok but narley. Some better growers just don’t tell their product was grown outdoors .

Croptober and harvests are upon us. What’s your guess on harvest season prices?

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Sounds like a processors very wet dream


Doesn’t it force the price of everything down so even the processors are having to process and distribute way more to make the same profit? I can’t imagine that’s good unless you can manage to hold the highest margin with your own vertically integrated business.

It’s more like a stoner consumer’s wet dream because I’ve heard “6 star” rosin in Oklahoma go for 30/g lol


Lalalala that sounds outta my league. You right

Isn’t it hard to pay for people and $200k+ Equipment , overhead and taxes for $20 bucks a gram shatner, crumble, sugar and $10 gm keif….

Shelf space and solid name brand should survive. Others have got to feel the squeeze?

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Lol everyone moving to rosin because the LPG Board.


Lol this was before the LPG board dropped the bomb on everyone, but Oklahoma is gonna be an interesting market to pay attention to.


Metric about to pop, LPG board popped, License Attestation for 2-5 year residents popped. The heard thinned big time.

Hell, half the heard isn’t aware they aren’t active rn because of the Attestation. Half don’t know they can’t buy gas anymore till the day to order comes. Many don’t believe metrc is about to solidify.

Welcome to the wild wild west.


What is the attestation about?

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It’s about making sure you’re from Oklahoma and didn’t fuck about to get your license. Simple prove you’re an okie documents. Active licenses dropped almost 50% overnight and many are in “renewal” being Attestation approved.


I see. Fair enough.

I see most going to mold rot. The stuff that sells are splits only and backstocked. I don’t see outdoor doing well unless they’re supplying their own dispensary and forcing their flower on consumers

Boutique outdoor just doesn’t mix in the same sentence.


We disagree

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I know of several dispo owners in norman currently paying $300/lb for fire outdoor 25%+ cannabinoids and has to pass all labs… So I’m sure it’s about to get quite a bit cheaper… Alot of people grew massive amounts of outdoor this year due to last year’s price drop.


Gonna be alot of distillate and attempts at fresh frozen. That place sounds like a nightmare, seems like alot of people didn’t think ahead or think at all.


And to be basically trusting the system will do you right and that your med license rolls over to Rec (once the inevitable happens)…



I think everybody’s hopes are getting shipped down i35 south


Ya i had an offer to go and set up and was about to do it until he said he was buying the place. I wanted to rent for 1-3 yrs and leave, this was inevitable.


Everything is bigger in Texas, tickets on the low doubly so



After Dallas first

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