Ever since Frenchy passed I’ve been getting back into my old school roots of wanting to mess around with pollen/resin glands. Such as Water Hash, Sieving Dry, Drum Sieving, Using Dry Ice to freeze material before sieving. More recently I’ve been looking at non-heated Brick and Pellet Presses.
So far what I have a problem finding is 100% Stainless Steel Brick Boxes or Brick Presses. I’ve found the Stainless Round Presses (Pellet Presses) from BVV but I’ve been having the hardest time finding a Stainless Steel Brick Press.
Anyone have any good ideas on where to find a Stainless Steel Brick Press?
Bro, make your own, you want me to make one for you? I have an idea in my head that could work fine using hard plastic as the main part of the press, and we’ll line it using sheets of SS, or something. I might fuck around and find something that people are looking for they just don’t know it yet. There’s quite a few people that choose this route for whatever reason over solvent extraction…
I don’t see why I can’t make a press that can change the size if the plattens to adjust the size of the bricks for whatever scale/preference. I pretty much have it in my head, but there’s plenty of food safe things to get your hands on something that will perform decently for he at home producer…
Block press… Find it, and line it with SS. Hit me up if you find something usable
I’ve been messing around in my head with the idea of seeing if IndoFab Solutions can fabricate me an all stainless Brick Press Frame that can be used with an 8ton bottle jack. As well as custom specs for the brick mold. I’m still looking around but depending on if it’s possible and the price I might go through IndoFab Solutions.
I’ve got something in my head based off of a carpentry tool. I’m going to better outline the idea on the paper, and we’ll get it to @Soxhlet and he’ll make it happen. But I’m just using ideas of stuff that’s used for other things. We can make a fully adjustable, screw controlled press that is setup to be adjustable. It’s a matter of getting all of the meal to work together how I want it to.
I’m on it! I just have quite a bit going on, and I’m using my using my noggin for a couple of things. I’m also coming off of the last of the psychotropics I was on. Last antidepressant was 4 days ago, and Lyrica ends In a couple of days… Clearing my head of the last of the fog I hope!
Not yet I’m waiting to be on my yearly tolerance break which is starting on the 12th, to start on the math part of this idea.
I’m most likely subconsciously trying to get an idea going so I have something to do for then and I feel like this could easily consume me for that time being.