Opaline Silica Thread

Wow. This subject has really blown up rapidly! Here are some photos of the real stuff:

It can look slightly gray or tan colored when it is still air moist like this, so I adjusted the color temperature a little to show you what it should look like after baking the superficial water out of it.


Haha, it looks like clay cat litter.


as a result of this conversation I would like to address a filtration tech that came up with
and can highly recommend
take your lid and have a 1.5 inch ferulle weld on the inside of your lid
place a 0.2um filtercartridge with triclamp ferrules on the inside so this is the final point where solvent falls inside of your collection pot
the cheaper cartridges can only handel 75 psi wich is very close to what we use
by placing the cartridge inside the collection pot
A if the damn thing collapses or blows it s contained
B the 75 psi is the difrance to outside and internal pressure and this is more easely
for the pressure diffrance is not that big so often
any decent sized collection pot needs this space to be void anyways for the 80% fill rule anyway s


Itā€™s alright @Kingofthekush420 ! @Shadownaught deleted the ig post after talking with me to clarify I am talking about amorphous silica. Cristobalite, a crystalline form of silica that is listed as a class 1 carcinogen is very common in clay deposits, especially bentonite, so it is good to warn folks not to just go around trying any old high silica clay media! We definitely donā€™t want people dying of CRC poisoning the way they have been dying of a variant of popcorn lung from bad vape additives! He made the right call. This announcement has caused a bit more fervor than I expected at this point in the development of CRC technology, and people in stampedes are not known for stellar judgment, ya know?


Yep! And it could technically be used as such! So can corn cob gravel, sand, hardwood flakes, and probably even hemp hurds! :wink:


Is there any fine dust on this stuff, how fine do you have to filter down to with this?

Also, again, thanks for the picture, I was thinking this was a powder.


would you want to mill that down and sift to a specific particle size? or just use as is?


Celite 545 is a mostly crystalline silica product. Crystalline silica has all the same detrimental health concerns that cristobalite has, cristobalite just happens to be the natural mineral that is used as raw material for the production of celite. This applies to any silica product that is not amporphous silica.

So while celite 545 is definitely a carcinogen, its supposed to be used with careā€¦ in a fume hood etc. @anon86230761 its not the fault of the seller that someone uses their product incorrectly.

People die from improper handling of nitrogen tanks, are the gas companies who provide those tanks bad guys for providing a dangerous product? Or is it the fault of the careless indivdual who got hurt using that product improperly?


Cool story bro


I have waited too long to not post this


It blows my mind that you guys think Celite is good for people to use
And literally three replacements got posted today.

I dont use celite, i was more commenting in the spirit of what you were saying to killa. Essentially calling him a cancer salesman.

I dont know why you get so fuckin bent out of shape, lighten up. Civil discourse will get your point further than name calling or belittling someone


He literally stocks it just to piss you off. Iā€™ve heard tell that he might start throwing in little goodie bags of celite 545 to ensure every lab in the us is 545ā€™d out.


I wish I would have said more about cart cutting.
I was pretty vocal about that.
And I think everyone that appreciates what I said over the past few days about Celite and cristobalite also agreed with me on that topic.
This never needed anything in rebuttal or this crass attitude. Itā€™s not a debate
I shouldnā€™t have to deal with these kind of people and comments when itā€™s not for that.
Itā€™s for the guy that has no clue and someone told him to use Celite or WHATever And then heā€™s just doing it in his garage (which ironically is most of killas people).
Itā€™s to help other people be safe.
Im not here to talk to you guys like this or on this crap.

If youā€™re being safe coool
Donā€™t tell people to smoke acetone.
Donā€™t tell people to cut carts.
You shouldnā€™t even be talking on this who are you helping? The debates team about economics and ethics ?? Wtf?


Perfect example of why you shouldnā€™t even Be here. Thereā€™s People dealling with cancer

Man, you off the path big time.

I hope
Other people can see what you really about with what you just posted. Clear as day to me.

Iā€™m here for your Jimmies good sir


Broā€¦why do you insist on dissing me moreā€¦

You watch my instagramā€¦do you think some person in their garage are using 75kg of C18? Are you being real now? I deal with some of the largest CBD and THC labs in the country. Your insulting my customers.

LOL ā€¦this is comical. Im one of the largest absorbent sellers in the country mean while i deal with only garage people.


Heā€™s jealous we called vitamin cuts first :joy::rofl:


ooh - i like you killa, but youre swinging way too far on that one



thats basically this entire website

inb4 ban hammer