A post was merged into an existing topic: The Killa conspiracy
Can we have some nominations for November cause I’d like to nominate @VoodooExtracts1 for his complete generosity ! This guy has a different type of heart! Really can’t wait to get to know him better. I like to surround myself with good people and this guy is as good as it gets!
I don’t see why not. I have no problem reading through this thread to pick out November nominations and seconds.
@VoodooExtracts1, you’re a cool dude for sure. Didn’t get to talk to you nearly enough, but I’m grateful to have met you. Thanks for blessing us with your presence and your presents in Vegas!
do you have too read through all the posts/ it seems there should be a more automated voting with you just reviewing instead of you having to look and read all the posts- but you prolly like reading them when they are on mom topic.
The only thing that is automated is the poll for the vote. I don’t mind reading through to find the info, but it’s pretty much paper and pen to compile the list.
you are in a hurry, wait until ??? wins this month. I LIke it but I was really surprised to win. SO anyone can win, just make yourself known and hope that people appreciate your posts. or do things like build shit, distribute shit, or invent shit and ill bet you can win
Bro, I will go out there and hang with him. No questions asked. There’s very few people I’d hitchhike cross country to spend time with. You’re one, but so is he. One knows when their in the presence of greatness, and I most certainly don’t mean myself…
Capi- you offered to live in my basement with puparoo making co2/ I got the burner instead.
I got 5 on @VoodooExtracts1 as well!
And it’s a good thing I never showed up. I would have beat you senseless multiple times by now…
And it’s Captain to you fuckface
@Killa12345 @Capttripppp I definitely can’t wait to hang with you guys again.
@BigM we definitely need to sit and chat.
@CuriousChemist22 @Friend thank you for the second on the nomination.
So many cool people met this past week. I’m going to make it a point to attend more events in the coming year just so I can have the opportunity to meet more people from the forum.
My man
I read more than I post and base my vote on people that post things on topic and are helpful……not necessarily to me, but helpful in general
on topic? dammit?
And that Sir is exactly why we have the member of the month election. That is the whole reason for having this so that any one person can say to everybody that this one person helped me and this is how. That’s what this is all about
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s a picture of Robert Oppenheimer.
Oh the irony…
Bro don’t say things like that openly let people put the pieces together
Thank you for correcting and educating me. Either way dude looks like a gangster.
Very David pic