you can’t vote people into science, you have to sneak up on them and jab them with a needle…
to all that have nominated David as MoM; I hear you, and respectfully disagree…and suggest we take the discussion to another thread.
I agree his handle needs rewound, although this looks problematic as someone registered @Davidb after David changed his handle to @Ruwan.
He also deserves the “immortal mentor” tag (@sidco)…
…and then we discuss how else to honor him here.
edit: rewind request
Alrighty folks, we have one week left to get your votes in. There’s already been 1100 view in this thread. Please take the time to stop and vote to show support for our fine nominees this month.
Please see this thread for information regarding our fallen brother DavidB. My heart goes out to his loved ones, and I can’t imagine their loss. I never met him, and it still has me shook. All the more reason to show some recognition for others, because we never know if we will get a chance later. You are all beautiful souls, please don’t forget that. Let’s try to make his passing a powerful force to come together and improve things for all of us, both in safety and community.
I dont want to push powers here so I am not gonna tag trust levels but anyone agree we should do that a time or two during the MoM voting to keep people on there toes about it? I undertsand people like hiding behind the scenes but a little vote will not expose your IP address.
Y’all need to just get over it. If people want to vote they will. If they don’t want to, they won’t. End of discussion.
Why promote a product. If there gonna want to buy it there gonna just buy it. Its not like people have busy lives and get side tracked and forget to do things they meant to do. I am pretty sure you just put your product out front the lab and people just know to come buy it.
But that’s how @thumper won.
Dude I could be the next thumper. I swear if I got voted in this month I would lose alot of faith with all the good candidates. I voted @TwistedStill.
No shit, you even showing up here shows us that…
Again, Smart Man
wtf??? I won because i got votes. I dunno what youre implying.
He’s implying you didn’t do much of anything to earn it. You just stopped drunk posting as much
earning it is in each voters opinion. You have no idea why people may or may not have voted for me. I got a few for hanging in there, a few for consults, and I dunno how many votes I got but a few more for shits and giggles. For some its obvious- when cloner wins its because he delivered clones. When wilbilly won it was for his tek. But it doesnt have to be for a specific thing. I think i won for not submitting when assholes called me a cop. and because people can tell im real and genuine. Ill try and use the glg as a resource so whats the problem?
63 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Killa conspiracy
No. Unfortunately I think @VoodooExtracts1 is my nominee. If you ever met him. You’d know why…… But there is always December.
I’m just thankful for this past time, and the people the specifically requested me to come by I did. He was 1 of the few, and I felt better than family. I honestly can’t wait to spend time with him and his family. @VoodooExtracts1 you’re amazing, and it was certainly my pleasure to spend time with you and meet your wife!
And for the record for everyone else… I may have a poddy mouth, but I was threatened by at least 1 wife that if I even thought of passing their state and not stopping by I’d have hell to pay! She went to Baylor, so I’m honestly a little scared…
That should say something about me, even though I’m just an ass. I speak my mind because I have nothing to hide. If I knew what to do, I wouldn’t be learning it from all of you. And that hits many levels
you guys cant get over me winning, its not like I attempt to take advantage of anyone over it. Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise (1987) - YouTube oops i posted a new light.
the gas is paid mother in law. wtf are you telling me dumb shit like that for ahole?
I’ll second the nomination for @VoodooExtracts1 btw.