Non-Detectable Psilocybin & Psilocin

Dear All. Ive got some exciting news which im happy to share. For sometime my team and I have been working on something very special and today is the day we have got the green light!

Our extract is a groundbreaking mushroom extract specifically designed to provide the benefits of traditional psilocybin-containing mushrooms without any of the associated legal complications. Our extract does not contain psilocybin but features 34 other naturally occurring and legal tryptamines that produce a similar subjective experience.

Our extraction and production process uses a multi-solvent extraction process using industry-leading technology adapted from the organic plant-derived color and flavor industries. This process yields a full- spectrum extract containing all the tryptamines found in the original mushroom material. The extract is treated using proprietary methods adapted from the pharmaceutical and supplement industries to reduce the psilocybin and psilocin content below detectable levels while retaining all other tryptamines.

COA’s Available.

We now are able to offer our very unique non detectable extract. I am hugely grateful to of stumbled across this space many moons ago and don’t want to step over the line so if I should be writing this somewhere else please let me know!

Please reach out via dms to find out more. Would be happy to discuss further.


We acetylated the psilocin! Now it’s legal!


I have tried similar from a member here, won’t mention names. Waiting labs currently, but that effect is as described in this post.


Incorrect, I appreciate the acetylizatin process. That is a pathway we’ve light investigated. May I inquire about your thoughts regarding the analogue act since the structural similarities to psilocybin molecule are pretty strong?

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Let’s connect via dm and I’m happy to share further details.

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You’re in the UK, why are you worried about the analogue act?

I might be based in the UK. My team are based in North California & Portugal. It’s also a global business and USA is our top priority as it’s essentially our largest market.

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I would love to see a COA.


Post the COA

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DM for COA

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mmmm ibotenic acid


What is your opinion of this COA? I value your opinion on the matter.

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Thanks friend, this strain was originally developed from psilocybin cubensis mushrooms

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You do realize Ibotenic acid is a neurotoxin right?

Weve been through this already with someone else who was pushing the same stuff


Thank you much for your reply. May I ask At what dosage you’ve seen it exhibit a neurotoxic effect?

Also would you be willing to share any references you may have pertaining to this ?

Thank you in advance for your response.

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You have no business selling this stuff to other people for consumption when you lack even a basic understanding of the risks


Thank you. Have you seen any studies relating to oral consumption. Versus injecting it directly into the brain?

I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you

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The quantity of ibotenic acid contained in our extract is no higher in dosage than that found in species of amanita and cubensis mushrooms commonly consumed by humans.

I am pretty sure the study cited above was designed to mimic schizophrenia in an animal model for future study.

They were not trying to gauge neurotoxicity. They were trying to create a disease analogy to study it.

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We’re a US based company. Some of our founders are based in the UK

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I’m still waiting for a response? Or have you realised now that your point is irrelevant? Most things probably arnt great if you inject into your brain. I mean if I was to grind lettuce up in my vitamix and inject into my brain, it’s probably not going to be great for me is it.

if you could provide us with references to show the studies on oral consumption rather than injecting straight into one’s brain then I would be happy to read this to learn at what dosage it exhibits a neurotoxic effect. There is a saying in toxicology that the dosage makes the poison.

Table salt can kill you or it can season your food.

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