yeah, that was my first response.
at 5lb a year, even using 1 gal solvent per lb and running retail 190proof at $75gal (that’s what it runs in the liquor stores here), you’re not looking at much more than $1 a day in solvent. so $3-4k to get it back wouldn’t be high on my list.
building or buying a small still on the other hand…Reflux Still For Small-Scale ETOH Reproofing
really doesn’t take much to recover ethanol: Who is king of EToH Recovery? - #146 by cyclopath
@TheKid420; are you by chance adding edible oil before dosing? because extracting directly into the oil of choice is another way of avoiding the whole solvent recovery thing…
see: Low dose CBD DIY and Stupid question... oils tinctures/lipid infusion
edit: I see that @BigM and our one and only @VerifiedConsultant both suggest direct extraction into an edible oil as well…