Nope im just me. Life is odd. You cant start something anew at its inception.
I cant even post picutres or links yet. Did you see the hacked up links I did post to the clones pictures? Do sockpuppets post picutres of the cuts they are offer for fair trade? imgur com/a/Q41VLW3
I planed to start a topic called Trich’s Corner to keep an uploaded list of cuts I have to trade and that I want. But new users arnet trusted here so I cant start a new thread yet so I posted in this topic because I have beleaf cutting to trade and people asked for beleaf cuttings.
After i can make topics I will recreate my first post in the Trich’s Corner thread.
Do you want to trade? HMU. i also am in for crowd funded purchases.
To get from TrustLevel0 to TrustLevel1 take about 15 minutes of reading 4-5 threads. We implement this so new users dont go posting in places that annoy people, and give them some time to familiarize themselves with the forum before getting themselves in trouble. Repeatedly posting the same thing over and over (8 times?!) is one of these things, complaining about not being able to post pictures (outside of the Meta Category) is one of these things. Please spend more time familiarizing yourself with the system before rage posting.
you consider my reply rage posting? Seriosly? sorry. i wasn’t trying to rage post.
Let me offer some rage advise as a new user if youll take it:
good info about trustlevel that would be nice to know when signing up you should add that first sentace so pepole know
I posted the reply yesterday, like 30 hours ago. The message says to be patient, but seriously, 30 hours to review a message and let it post?
The very long wait to let a post go public I assumed someone was asleep at the swtich so I tried to contact an admin but as a new user there are no ways to get help. That is a BIG issue i think. because if I was able to get assistnce I would have asked if there was a porblem with my message.
i tried flagging my first post to report it to get attention and hlep from admin but new users cant flag anything.
so my hands were tied i couldn’t get any help from anyone because the rules are so strict for new users. and it w as like 30 hours since i posted and was asked to be patient. someone here thought i was another pserson and started throwing mud so I wanted to let them know they were wrong before more people had the same wrong idea
so a few hours ago i just reposted my message a few times and I sent a help request to the help forum a few times. i assumed that would get someones attention and they could fix the problem I assumed was occuring after waiting 30 hours. it looks like i was right becuase someone let me message go puublic the mssage your respding to
Also I tried to delete all the draft messages hours ago but that doesnt work. when you click the delete button it says the link isn’t working
IN case an admin wants to know i found a workaround for the trustlevel by mistake. all you need to do is post like 10 or 15 new messages once you sign up and they are in draft form. but then your automatically given a raise and you can post freely.
Did you get the message / DM / tutorial from discobot? Completing that would teach you about trust levels, abilities, while also helping you achieve tl1.
They should add a tutorial link to that message so peiople know its avaible. the message should be clear and not be cute if its supposed to be effective. Like ‘new users are required to read this tutorial’
That message at the bottom seemed spammy to me so I didnt do it
If you didn’t click the obviously shown link, it seems your skills for comprehension need a bit of a touch up. Don’t hate the system if you can’t use it to its potential.
thats the problem there is no obviously shown link for a turtoial i just posted about that. i would ask the site admin or someone in power to add an obvious link to a tutorial
but im not sure this site is for me anyway. out of the first four people to post to me three were aggressiev jerks in their posts. And all three were wrong in what htey claimed. if that type of attidude mindset and welcoming is typical of this site i iwll have to go move along to a site with manners
Usually when something on the internet is a different color, underlined, or possibly a brighter font, typically you can click it, meaning it’s a link. Even if you google something you’ll see the keywords within a paragraph are links.
I mean it doesn’t take much for this Not a real link to be clicked and take you to the new user abilities and tutorial. But then again, I’m the one that has mentioned I have made many videos showing even seasoned users how to navigate this discourse. Sorry you find yourself adjacent.
The takeaway is we are running ‘Discourse’ forum software, and if you think you should be able to do something and it alluding you (happens to me sometimes) just google it. You might even find other sites do something we could be doing better, feel free to post here in the Meta Site Feedback category.
I’ll see about making the tutorial easier and more apparent to start. It’s not a requirement, most users lurk for a day or 2 and have no issues posting. The few people who come here, read 1 thread for 2 minutes and try to post are the ones that have issues.
when i first came here i just read a few hours.
same with next day. i might have made a reply.
might have been longer than that. read a while
make a useful reply on some topic. then i guess
you go up the ladder. so take some time and read
a while. is great info here if you look for it.
It’s not a requirement, most users lurk for a day or 2 and have no issues posting. The few people who come here, read 1 thread for 2 minutes and try to post are the ones that have issues.
Very few of the truly new members to this forum end up falling under that pattern of new usage. Unless it’s a sock puppet. User also types with what looks like deliberate typing and grammar mistakes that reads more like someone trying to do a stylometry trick which is all unnecessary and extra as hell. The contents of the users first post and all the extreme technical security steps posted about, and signaled to the community in a thread about clones doesn’t match up with the mistakes made.