As my girlfriend would say… depth is important
I know the basics of what some of the different media’s do, just have a harder time finding some ratios, and I understand it will be strain specific on how much of what to use.
Thanks I appreciate it! I know I have lots more reading to do and have read a lot a lot on this site before I made an account and like you said a lot of noise on this site so it’s hard to follow sometimes.
My girlfriend says to stop asking if she’s okay when she screams out in pain lol
Hi @SavageStoner and welcome to the forums! As you already were aware from your first post, this forum while full of individuals with incredible experience and information, are sometimes reticent to share that information in the form of spoon feeding. s
This forum is a great resource and despite some of the outwardly appearance of users here, a great many are more than excited to share their knowledge and experience with others (most of us love this stuff after all!). That said, most people here need you to show a modicum of investment (searching first) and an intelligent question before engaging. Think about it this way, it’s the difference between saying ‘weed is cool’ and ‘I’m wondering what ratios you all use to pull cannabinoids from silica gel 60a - go!’
Even now, we can’t really answer your question or provide a great deal of guidance for you in terms of what to look into. I think @cyclopath is right on point. If you could tell us a bit more about what you know, where in the process you have questions, I bet you’ll get a lot of very helpful information.
you’re over thinking this one. grab some B80. bake it. try a cupful. adjust to taste.
once you’re comfortable with B80, try some other media.
get bed packing and filter stacks down, then worry about the fancy stuff like layering 6 different media (who does that?).
if you’re looking to crystalize THCA, rather than just lighten “shatter”, there are a number of media folks have had success with…but B80 is a solid starting point, and you’ll even find a subset of folks who swear you don’t need to bake it. I personally use an opaline silica.
Only layer I do recommend is a lil ultra clear on top to break the impact of the incoming flow and introduce more evenly into the powders
cheaper than ultra-clear
Thank you very much, post like this help me get started on my path of my own trial and error endeavors. I understand people aren’t goin to give me spoonfed information but little tips and starting points are very very helpful for someone who is new to color remediation.
Use a nice welded sintered disc. a lot of people choose 5 micron. sometimes people choose 1 micron. Bake your powders overnight, and remove all moisture. Then a surge or storage tank is important. That way you don’t leave solvent soaking on your material pulling all the nastys and such. Also a surge tank gives you the ability to meter your CRC which improves the effectiveness of the media dramatically. Lots of people just use b80, t5, w1 for their bottom cake for their CRC column. 1-2 in should be good. sometimes people throw some silica on top of that. Then if you really need to remediate some shit activate alumina, carbons, t41 ect all have their place depending on the remediation your trying to accomplish. Lots and Lots of different medias for different applications. Looks like other have chimed in and given some great advise as well. I’d start simple, and if you need to add to your stack do so in a conservative fashion. Less is more with CRC.
valuable info on how crap works…
If you grok it you’ll never run a non-jacketed column full of crap again.
easy solution to not wanting to read and learn is the premium spoon, hire a consultant!
Thank you very much, post like this help me get started on my path of my own trial and error endeavors. I understand people aren’t goin to give me spoonfed information but little tips and starting points are very very helpful for someone who is new to color remediation.
What about the little starting point of developing the method and releasing it for free and open source
Check out this link:
Media Bros Sample Post - Luna Tech
There is a link to a free sample of our media with SOPs, SDS, and Pricing. Even more important is the wealth of information contained in the thread that the wonderful people of Future4200 have added based on their real life trials and tribulations and the great communal Q&A that naturally occurred.
If you have any questions about the Media Bros media after you have taken some time to look through the provided information feel free to reach out to me directly.
Searching for spoons
This is a trial and error thing completely dependent on your biomass. Only you doing the physical work will give you the info you need. Otherwise it’s all just conceptual.
Like reading the damn crc thread. Don’t like the noise? Read it again
It’s also temp dependent…
Lmao, it’s everything dependent