New summit research max rotovap 80 LPH!?!?!?

Hey dude, I try and stick up for you even when I dont like you. It’s cool, I’ll let all the flogging happen and look the other way.

Peace out



After working directly and indirectly with both of their companies. I let all the online bs slide. They both have help changed the landscape. For the better. They both are evolving… even their online decorum (you’re not alone)

That doesn’t mean squat to me about their products performance vs each other.

With that said, the only person using both of their products and practically merking the Short path education market (Breaking Dabs) remains neutral and benefits twice as much.

I still want to see everyone’s products lined up in a big room against each other with their respective owners running their product using the same starting material. Preferably sponsored in a type 7 lab in California.

Surely we can get others from out of state to have a professional battle about extraction products. I find the opportunity for a “battle” beneficial to all parties.


I’m about to step up and host but I don’t have enough room for a big show. My lab can handle my short path and one more. I’d gladly invite anyone looking to put their systems to the test.

We would have the same material and do it as sort of a race. Probably a good idea to have consistent rules and as consistent material as possible so we can compare the different systems run on different days.


Its never going to happen.
Just let the children keep being petty


Is any company welcome to this dance?? The crazy minds of Pemex engineers have been coming up with some crazy ass designs… you should see the vac pump setup!


Got anymore info on em? Pics?

I may be able to oblige at my lab. It must be 100% legal.


Thank you for a thoroughly written response. I agree fractional distillation is the route to take for separating cannabinoids. Than further post processing separation done by adsorption or molecular weight.

You’re correct with ethanol and cannabinoids having a larger difference of BP. The way I use the rotovap is the same as @Future way of running this process system. Heating up the mixture to water bath temp while slowly bringing the rotation of the flask to max speed. Once temperatures equalize and rotovapor rotation is at max speed than increase vacuum at a speed where no bumping occurs. This method is the easiest to control the roto and most efficient way to recover

I observed right before and during initial vacuum the cannabinoids are attaching to the hydrocarbons. I watched golden oil form on the glass surface and drip down. This happened inside the reflux chamber all the way up to the U shape is positioned. In perspective it’s not actually the cannabinoids vaporizing. The hydrocarbon is evaporating and the cannabinoids are attached together. The cannabinoids are being stripped from the hydrocarbon because the vapor path is upward. This action creates a domino effect downstream of the hydrocarbons stripping the heavier molecules attached to it.

Unless I’m not thinking this all the way than a shorter vapor path will carry initially cannabinoids and impurities. This is why Buchi made this addition.


just got the R 220 Pro last week and let me say it’s fucking awesome. Def not a million L per hour yet, but I’m learning how to chug it along nicely- set at 36C right now around 75 RPM, and pulling down to 50 mbar (don’t know the limitations yet so just being careful)…going to push it a little further tomorrow. coming off of 2 USA labs 20L rotos that are now looking like pieces of shit in comparison lol…anyways, we also installed a B/R 9200 last week, so now we’re rocking some stuff out- I do notice that our D9 is roughly 2-3% lower now with better separation from fractional distillation- that’s from the center fraction, however, and haven’t run the first collection yet as we were shooting for highest CBD potency for our first COA- really nice shit both these companies are putting out imo


Hey dude thats awesome. You will now be able to see how all the parameters are used for effcient vaporazations. Are you running dual condesor coils? Are you using the vacuum and heat exchanger they provide for this system?
Herre is a semi sop and tips for efficent running this.
-The best evaporation point is when its at borderline bubbling.
-If you bumb pass the neck of the flask make sure when you dismantle you take our any residue in the cavity of the flask and machine connector.
-dont batch feed. you will need to find the sweet spot of continual feeding.
this requires a keen on evaporation and inlet feed.
-condensor coil connectors can be leaky especiallly running all day.
This is how i run the machine. Take your time to feel comfortable with it.
-Connect clean flask to buchi.
-Keep flask guard attatched to buchi.
-Turn heat batch to desire temperature
-Turn heat exchanger on
-Wait until temperature of bath is at its set temperature you inputted.
-while this is waiting connect continual input feed into the carboy or mixture youre evaporating. Make sure you put a cover over this container.
-disconnect guard
-Raise hot water bath to flask

  • raise rpm to 15
    -turn vacuum on to desire mmbr.
    -wait till water stablizes in temperature.
    -once bath water temperature stablizes increase to max rpm(higher rpm, the more surface area youre evaporating from, meaning quicker evaporation)
    -Use the screw feature on the inlet knob and start continual flowing. Dont flood your flask immedatly. Find that sweet point of continual flow and evaporation.
    -Once you ready to empty the flask with solvent close that white corkscrew.
    -decrease vacuum halfway.
    -Open air vent in glass
    -Open discharge line.
    -Once solvent is emptied Close both ports.
    -Open white screw cork slowly
    -Increase your vacuum back to previous point. Do this slowly because you will bumb if you jump right back.
    Doing this will stop any solvent sprout back in your condesor. Its a scray thing at first i know. Going this route will keep minimal loss in your system. If yore running dual flask make sure one is for clean solvent intake and the other is for more impurties that are at the end such as water etc. Also youre controling your bumb without needing to introduce outside air in their. just slow down the rpm if you bumb to hard or decrease vacuum. If the viscoisty is to thick do not go full rpm. You will have to play with the parameters for your liking but always remeber its better to have your process variables introduced into your system all at once. If you set your vacuum and temperature to the exact parameter its easier to control the flow than the rest of those for the 220. Youre also looking for a vortex eye at the middle of the flask. Thats key mid way through the evaporation to keep that vortex where it doesnt colapse nor to wide. you will learn how to whip your crude in there to release any solvent at the end. than pushing it against the walls right after. unorthodox patterns are needed at the end if your viscosity is thic. As with anything new just go at your pace of comfortabilty but what keep in mind the things i mentioned bc you will see its the goal for effiency running this rotovapor.

I’ve got an R220 pro and it is a beast! We pre-heat the feed line with a cascade bucket bath and can recover at amazing rates. I spin it at 150 RPM and let the system come to full vac and temp equilibrium then gently open up the feed until I see condensation halfway up the second condenser. The giant expansion bump trap makes running it at faster recovery rates much easier!


This is why my initial batch of pentane terps had cannabinoids. I just did a new hemp batch with more reflux. Should have zero cannabinoids now


Omg imagine there being a podcast with guests… long sigh


I imagine it would be a lot like The Eric Andre Show. :crazy_face:


Or like some really low rated cartoon sketch comedy show where everyone is able to do ridiculous shit cause they’re cartoons…

is that a kf40 to kf25 reducer on the bottom of the condenser? what kind of gasket did you use there?

Posted in Optimizing your RotoVap - #146 by cyclopath

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Some of these old comments about roto speeds are funny.

Summit has been lying to their customers about their equipment capabilities for years. @ChangMinXD tried to warn us!