New summit research max rotovap 80 LPH!?!?!?

I love you.




How come in your videos you posted on here you don’t show How much was actually recovered in that 30 minute time frame?

So what speeds are you actually claiming with a stock set up? How much liters per hour with the fancy set up?

Make your true actual claims your going to stand behind atleast instead of meme warring.

Did you or did you not have 80LPH on your website and make those claims initially before you realized that was impossible ?

Let’s get the story straight



This one for the ogs

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Not to stir anything up…
role call: what companies actually have a patent? I actually don’t know

Cmon guys. Rosin presses have patents…

Guess that’s a no…

Talking shit is fun and all, but if you don’t put the money behind your “invention” then how do you expect to involve your big boy attorneys? Lay claim to your advancements. Patents speak for themselves.

Coming from experience…



One time… at band camp.



Doxing is NOT allowed here. As much as I dislike @spdking, calling him by his real name and wanting to F his wife is uncalled for.


I am bringing to market an IP made roto, that’s patent protected, made on the moon, using alien tech, is solar powdered and gives you head all while recovering 180 gallons a minute. Dont try and call me a liar or I will make memes. :rofl::rofl::rofl::grin:


Did you fly on a patented :pizza: space ship to the moon?

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For real, and thats also why summits post with @ChangMinXD arrest info was flagged.

The reason I even unearthed and asked to have the name of the thread changed is the fact that anyone looking to give their money to either of these companies should read this thread and the fusion head thread.

Look guys, I know we like to maintain our alternative attitudes and behaviors in our industry, I still believe the behavior of these companies owners is 100% inappropriate and should reflect their companies over all. I know there’s plenty of folks who would be more likely to buy from them because of this behavior, that’s their choice. Personally, I think @spdking and @ChangMinXD display both of themselves as childish, petty, bullshitting, un-professional businessmen who if their companies products and services were truly worth buying from they would be able to hold their tongues enough to at least measure their dicks in private.

Some people love these guys, and that’s fine, but I’ll be keeping the cash of all 3 of the operations I purchase for in several states 1000000 miles away from both of these amateurs.


Na, I have a souped up mini bike I use. Does like mach 5 on pump gas, mach 8 on c16.


I think you have a decent enough understanding of reflux, rejection of heavy key compounds and distillation. But what you’re describing is not applicable to how people are using rotovaps in our industry (removing ethanol from a solution of ethanol and dramatically higher boiling cannabinoids with some terpenes in there). The boiling points of the cannabinoids and the solvent are soooo dramatically different that you simply with not ever being vaporizing any amount of cannabinoids (not with a water bath, not with a diaphragm pump pulling vacuum) - so there really are no heavy compounds for a condenser to selectively condense/reject from the vapor stream (vapor stream will just be ethanol, water, and some terpenes). You aren’t going to purify water from ethanol very effectively in a rotovap, and I dont believe anyone is attempting to do this - you also will have a difficult time separating the terpenes out on a device of this nature. Really, if you’re trying to product pure solvent youll need a true fractional distillation column and even then water/terpenes/ethanol are going to azeotrope or codistill to some extent so your ability to purify any of those will hit some asymptote.

Long story short, if youre using a rotovap in this way there is no point in attempting to reject heavier compounds because the cannabinoids arent vaporizing and the terpenes/water in the ethanol vapor are going to codistill/co-condense. If you were attempting to separate say…two non-azeotroping solvents that are kind of close (but not too close) in boiling point/vapor pressure then what you’re suggesting might be a useful feature.

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None of that was doxing. All the info was public info. Doxing is when you reveal information not previously available that places someone under jeopardy.

I agreed months ago if chang sent me a apology this would all be done with. Never did, he lied to me, he deceived me, and he especially was caught up for unethical behaviour I would never be caught dead doing…soooo. I tend to leave people alone to don’t do unethical things…

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Lol whatever guy all I see is “I don’t have the temperament to handle my business off the internet sooo…I’m going to look like a fool anyways”.

I’m not telling you to let it go, I’m telling you to be an adult and handle privately. But sure, keep pretending you don’t look like just as much of a jackass as he does. Keep pretending that there isen’t a population of labs and people who would be buying your products if you didn’t handle your social media and stayed off the boards.

Fact of the matter is if you have to challenge him in a public space then you care more about looking better than him rather than being better than him

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