New SPD Head Design From Fusion Glass

Hey guys! Since this is a hot topic at the moment I thought I would share one of our newest head designs! Fusion Glass is our in-house scientific glass studio here at Xtractor Depot.
We’ve used all the current public knowledge available and also have worked closely with some of the most experienced in the game to inspire our in-house engineers to create what we think is the most efficient head design made to date.
Thermaflow represents the very best in short path distillation. Utilizing “hot pass” technology and an innovative head design, Thermaflow can collect “body” and “head” fractions simultaneously, shaving hours off of your processing time. If making high-quality distillate in a fraction of the time sounds appealing, Thermaflow is the right choice for you.
Please feel free to email me with any questions at

  • Hot-pass feature allows for the collection of “body” and “head” fractions simultaneously.
  • New head design!
    • Optimized head height and width
    • Anti-climb feature prevents unwanted fractions from climbing the head.
    • Vapor diffusion technology keeps the process flowing.
    • Alembic design keeps undesirable vapors from passing the head.
  • 3L+/hr of body fraction.
  • Oil heated distillation head allows you to control the rate of reflux.
  • New head design that encourages speed while maintaining purity.
  • Utilizes “Hot Pass” technique for increased potency.
  • Quick and simple 10-15min assembly time.
  • New condenser design allows for more efficiency.
  • Made in-house, at our flagship location in Los Angeles.


Been curious how the vacuum take off doesn’t get cross contaminated. Or is it ment to swing down when your ready for mains?

Also how well does that heads seal hold under heat & high vacuum. No disrespect intended but looks like it would leak from thermal change


No disrespect taken! Thanks for your questions. This design is for hot passes so the heads and mains will be pulling together at the same time. The heads will flow past the heated and jacketed takeoff valve because the heat will not allow it to condense and the body will condense in the first condenser and flow into the takeoff valve.
As far as the PTFE seal ring with gaskets, the whole thing is rated above 200c and with all the testing we have done , we have not seen any warping or leaking due to heat load.


We talked a bunch at MJBizCon about this head. It seems like a good idea but a few questions.

Is “hot pass” different than “hot condensing”? if not, why not use the industry standard term? “hot pass” is a confusing term because it usually implies boiling flask temperature, not head temp.

Wondering also if you still recommend distilling mains at 200 micron (discussed at MjBiz) and if so what temp do you have to go to in order to see something near 3L/hour. I would imagine it must be pretty high.


what??? forreal?

curious to hear your logic behind this.

almost sounds like they purposely codistill, and rely on the hot condenser to keep undesirables in the vapor phase, and condense the desirables, which would speed up the distillation quite a bit?? sounds like an interesting concept.

might be a step above traditional hot condenser tek

also +1 for the oil heated head! thats a great innovation right there


If you look closely they jumbled a bunch of parts that don’t belong in thier non respective locations together. They don’t even know what those features do and put them in the wrong places. Can you believe instead of benchmarking SPD, they are going to once again use customers as r&d test subjects.


Sounds like you with your achromatizing clay

I remember buying some from you and using it and getting pure d8 and you claiming its user error lmao

Are you still going to claim it makes water clear d9 in the flask?

Because everyone knows that’s BS


Do you have any videos of this apparatus in operation? more specifically, any videos of it distilling a dirty crude? Or is this meant to only refine a high quality starting crude?

No offense, but to me this doesn’t seem like it would offer any benefits over a setup that used a multi-prong distributor in place of the jacketed take off.

The setup looks cool, it just seems like nothing new is being brought to the table.

Well it looks like it is vaporizing two output streams at the same time and separating them on the condensing side based upon condensation temperature. So maybe offers speed advantages. Maybe decreases degradation especially since that is a fundamental difference between short path and reflux distillation. Maybe even increases separation at the same time. Will have to get some Data as usual. Looks like still have the ability to conventionally run and separate on the vaporization side and further separate on the condensation side. Maybe adds more theoretical plates or finer cuts between heads, mains, and tails.


Oh boy here we go again



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grove street 4 lyfe


That’s the best thing I’ve seen all day


Sounds exactly like your business model. What DO you want to sue them for using your biz model LOL


Clearly you don’t know what you’re looking at. We offer consultations if you would like to visit our shop.


Hey brother! When we spoke I told you the micron was between 100-200 during our testing I don’t recommend 200 as your vacuum depth. Of course the deeper the better! As far as verbiage goes, I’m cool with hot condensing or hot pass as slang.
We are running in a range of 180-220 mantle temps.

Yes sir!

I think he needs a consult for rotovaps LOL


The jacketed drop off section doesnt make sense to me, i see two hoses coming out of it, but dont see how the liquid flows around if both nipples are right next to each other and it doesnt quite seem jacketed in that part either.
Oh nvm i see its just a tube going thru to connect them. If your head is jackted and liquid controlled why didnt u make the drop off liquid controlled aswell?