New lab setup

If I had my druthers, I’d have a custom bi-directional Luna IO dedicated to running FF and another (with a bigger pot) dedicated to cured. Enough miners to hold a months’ worth of production, a couple big fuges that can spin a few kilos at a time. Schlenk lines and a big central scroll vac pump. A decarb skid that can push a few kilos per day. An automated cart filler. Mechanized FF smasher and socker. Automated concentrate gram dispensers.


Lot of work for hot dog water

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Garbage company garbage products

Get a labconco

I’ve ran Luna and I didn’t like explaining low yields to bosses then and won’t do that again for Lamborghini prices

Classic Cat!

Yep that’s the isseu I am confronted with


That may have been the biomass giving you low yields. That’s not a problem we suffer from. :man_shrugging:


Did you guys modify it to pass solvent 2x?

Only through the HMI (and that’s just an adjustment, not a modification). We can have as many soaks we want for however long we want them.


Yeah that’s not a thing. It’s not like it’s any different from most other extractors. Only thing I’d change is having a top down wash option and an upsized collection on the cured machine


double the soaks = half the runs

with one soak or pass you lose yield and to correct the shortcoming you sacrifice throughput.

yes collection sizing is wrong and the reactor is too wide for biomass, needs to be skinnier to get all the noids out in one pass

Nah, the flood up makes for even penetration. I’d like a top down wash, but only for cured. The FF can run in one pass/soak no problem.


Doesn’t do anyone any good to scale up to extract more than they can sell. How many runs a day do you think you really need? Automation allows workers to focus on other tasks most of the time. What you may lose in daily throughput, you gain in the completion of other tasks with less employees.


Exactly. It’s not like you’d want to valve jockey hundreds of pounds per day anyway. Let the robot do that.


I ran a Luna for 6 months. I get it.

Our opinions on the equipment differ and that’s ok and I still like you lol.

But to agree with you on your point:how much do you really need to run? The 20lb speed demon from nb oler comes in at half the ticket for more throughput and if that’s too much capacity there are used bzbs for 30% of a Luna.

Why buy the big machine if you aren’t making a ton of product is a good question.

Extract techs make 12-15 an hour in this state

That’s 30k a year

How many years do I need to pencil out to justify automation roi?

Idk, how many runs is your $15 valve jockey gonna fuck up?lol


How do you fuck up runs in a cls with a sop?

You been running shot from your phone too long and forgot how many valves are on a cls and how easy it is to operate without a rats nest of hard to seat swage and pneumatic valves and air plumbing in the way.

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How? Be human and distractable. The robot never needs breaks or sick days.

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