New and starting with SPD

With what sorry ?

Switching to pentane ?

hope there is someone here with nuff chemical knowledge to confirm. But it would be nice to skip all these steps to make a more pure crude.

Maybe someone recongizes the mixture of pentane and something else to make a good solvent for cannabis? Or maybe pentane alone is enoug? Im no scientist unfortunatly but this is what i remember. Also that the mixture had a really low point of turning from liquet to gass. arround 38/40 celsius if i remember correctly

Dutch article about pentane and hexane as most apolair solvent. Same dude is mentioned in this article i am mentioning :–)

That’s what I get on 4g is that might provider blocking the site ? Pissing me off

Someone will clarify hopefully mate

Pentane has a polarity of 0 I think that means if does not solve the fat’s etc. So you get a very clean oil to start with. i think this might be a way to skip all these extra steps after ethanol extraction.

Possibly mate , cos I was thinking by filtering and cleaning up the RSO the THC % will increase by volume etc

yes ofcourse, if you take contimination out, your oil will have a higher percentage of THC (or other cannabinoids i presume)

Fuckin great this , love it :joy:

We will get there bro

So in general. Cannabinoids solve best in apoliar solvent. Pentane is most apoliar. It’s the same as with BHO

Met een selectief apolair oplosmiddel kun je een cannabis-extract maken met een cannabinoïde percentage van 70 – 85%

This translates as: with a apolair solvent, you can make a cannabis extract with a cannbinoid percentage arround 70 to 85%

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I keep my mantle blinker fluid next to my jar of elbow grease both are running a little low right now


How would u do it though , butane is a gas so you would have to make BHO first I would presume , then same would apply with pentane :thinking:


dunno man i never made bho nor do i know how it is made :stuck_out_tongue: All i am trying to find out is if i can replace my IPA with Pentane and get a cleaner oil :smiley:

Yeah I don’t like the idea of using gas to be honest , I think just cleaning up the RSO to start with the running it through the SPD , the actually yeild might be less but will soon find out