New and starting with SPD

Thanks bro

I always put my material in mason jars and then in the oven. It will reduce a lot of smell.

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It a a lot more so prepare

Decarbing is a thermic reaction producing co2 gas capping your jars might make them pop

then it appears i have been lucky :slight_smile: When you are evaporating your solution (for example ethanol) over heat, is the material not decarbing that moment as well?

according to rick simpson it does ,
however when making RSO i just followed his method then placed in oven @120c for 30 mins to ensure full decarboxylation etc.

Yes but extremely slow decarbing is done in the 120-140C range

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to be precise from a decarboxylation chart i found it should be 122c for 27 mins

i might do my next decarb on mantle roguelab instead of oven , better temp control etc and its reday to SPD then once it cools .

nothing attached to BF etc 130c until no sign of co2


Where did you get your equipment? China?

yeah mate , couldnt find anything local

Everything from glass to pump to chiller? to hoses, to meters? What is your opinion on their quality?

complete setup mate , id say it looks good but not been tried yet , will know more on sunday .


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Sunday i am out with my girlfriend, but i will definitly check on monday how your results are :slight_smile:
What is your plan? Can you desribe in short the steps you are going to take? :slight_smile:

plan is to filter and scrub my crude with ac and possibly diatomeacous earth to remove any chlorophyll.
reduce down then decarb
then test pump with a dry run ( condenser circulating ) cold trap full of ice and salt as ill have no dry ice .
then probably follow the SOP i found on best value and also follow tons of info ive printed off from this forum.
learning curve obviously so see how it unfolds .
ill have approx 200-250ml of crude to play with .
fingers crossed it goes well .
oh i had to purchase a smaller flask within the uk as the one from china was too big with buying a 5l setup.
thats a tip , buy the right size kit hahaha

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lol i am aiming for 2 liter, but prices for turn key kits varies from 1300 to 2300 dollar, so dunno wich to take :slight_smile:

bearing in mind a kilo will only produce roughly the same as i what im processing
how much do you process at any one time ??
whats your method for making the

RSO ? freeze bud then quick soak in cold IPA or ETOH , do you break the bud up or break down into smaller nugs

leave the bud or break down is what i meant to say ???

I only used trims. First decarbed them in mason jars. Then freezed them. Freezed Ipa. Combined them. Let it sit for a while (sometimes i did quick wash ethanol, sometimes i just did my own thing)

Then vapped away the IPA using an ‘alambiek’

Then the last 5 liter via rotovap (starting was 50 liter)