Need a Consultant to Help make THCa Crystals from Ethanol Crude

I can crash out thca in seconds with extreme efficiency and no alkane. From anywhere thca is present. Once this gets out the money is all gone though so those that know are not saying much. Will also add in Cali I get orders for 10 kilos of diamonds but thca powder is 50-100 kilo orders

Wouldn’t fall under any of these methods tho :sunglasses:


Slightly different markets id say isolate is sold in the med/rec market to make liquid diamonds, a product hemp players cant make anything with, although wouldn’t surprise me if most of the “hemp” thca being used in “snow caps” was from cali labs

Lets not speak so openly of the devil :face_with_peeking_eye: it makes my eyes water :face_holding_back_tears:


Not believing me doesn’t change the reality of the process; that said skepticism is healthy, so all good! all things will be revealed in time.

My intentions were not to be purposefully vague beyond IP protection, i was literally walking out of the airport terminal as I typed that response lol. Of course though, I’m keeping this method close to the vest and only consulting out to select facilities. I’m currently booked up till march next year for consulting and probably not taking on anymore facilities for this tek until I feel out the stability of the market.

yeah I should of been more clear about “limited infrastructure” this tek is not going to trap labs and there needs to be standing infrastructure, but thats a given and should be obvious. Obviously there needs to be safety, biomass extraction, solution refinement, solvent recovery, filtration infrastructure in place as any legit operation should have already. The higher the quality the crude, the better the precipitation yield, high quality crude at scale comes from high quality setups.

But as for this crude product post processing technique its pretty straight forward and the gear required is minimal, of course you could throw big gear at it like nutsche filters or horizontal centrifuges etc etc but its in no way required. I will say that solvent recovery on the crude tincture is best done via membrane to minimize the amount of decarb induced and to maximize the amount of available THCA for precipitation, this will ensure yields are as good as they can be, but not required.

other then that its pretty straightforward pretty basic chemistry. takes about 6 hours to do the process, the solvent recovery of the mothers liquor and stuff is secondary to the process because like i said, we batch it all up and either precipitate it again or decarb and distill, obviously to decarb and distill the material solvent recovery/devolatilization is required.


You don’t need to onboard anything to backdoor out of metrc.

Can’t you just cold crash in a stirred column and pass through a filter plate like a neutsche filter?

Definitely not required, we can hit less than 2% decarbed on the falling film just by leaving the last 10% solvent in it and reducing ur temps a bit. People try to run too fast most of the time.
That 10% doesnt seem to matter much once we go thru our next steps, it pops right out :wink::wink:


Hey hey. I still can’t DM, can you hit me up? Thanks!

Couldn’t you add heptane 1:1 to the ethanol extract in a reactor, then add 2 parts distilled h20, causing the non polar to shift into the polar solvent, which can be then cleaned up via standard procedure?

Water wash it basically. Then still your ethanol back out on a ffe and recover NP solvent during crystallization phase with evap and mother liquor.

Heating to drive off ETOH seems super counter productive in my view.

Even better, run acetone and do the same process above. Super cold, super fast. Then water wash with NP solvent, with the bonus of being able to concentrate your oil at 40c prior to LLE, with no chance for decarb.

“On the hemp side”

Not exactly clear what you mean…are you referring to Diamond forms of CBDA because people cut CBDA with CBD?

He’s referring to thca under a hemp license.

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That says a lot, but it doesn’t say whether you are “crashing” salts of the THCA anion or Hydrates???

Or, are you saying you are precipitating THCA (cannabinoic acid) form. Honestly, with Ethanol and its hydrogen bonding to the salicylate moiety….I have my doubts…about exactly what you are doing. When you extract in protic polar solvent you have to realize you are extracting cannabinoate anion form. THCA the acid neutral form is not really that soluble in ethanol.

What ever you are doing sounds interesting.
Seconds? There are a limited number of “things” that can happen in protic polar solvent, in seconds…but unlike nonpolar , aprotic “Butane works but no theory”, at least we have some idea of the solution chemistry.
Ice water, salt and acid go a long ways.
The only instantaneous thing that happens in competition is the formation of the ternary opaque “louche” which is NOT crystalline. Seems like the amine salt may be a good example. Lots of patents covering some of this chemisry.


Thanks…hope all your work is going well…especially the pressurized crystallization.
Your note above suggest something a bit different with the “membrane” technique.

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Thanks. Happy holidays BTW. Membranes are just for a reduction of alcohol. I’ve back-burnered making a diamond miner automation product for the time being. Been working on scalable methods for acidic cannabinoid extraction at scale while preserving terps.


Nice job…interesting….from the membrane concentrate?
/White looks like a recrash from pentane?
do you mean preserving terps from an alcohol extraction?

Seems that cannabinoic acids and terps is a newer strategy for production at scale.

Happy Holidays to you as well.


How can I send you a private/direct message. my email is at pformaps

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You can DM me on here; or shoot me an email at

Currently consulting in Europe, probably won’t be back stateside for at least a month or two but definitely down to assist y’all.


Hi was wondering if you were willing to spoon feed a couple of Canadians !