
Edible oil is typically not THC or CBD distillate are we talking about the same thing here

for the record I’m not denying what you are saying is true nor am I trying to be combative or anything I just want to make sure the truth or real information is here hot just conjecture or word of mouth. There is some odd word play going on in here and I want to be certain that you guys are saying aflatoxins distill with the THC or CBD distillate even when their boiling points are so much higher can anyone explain why they get distilled with the THC and CBD are they creating some sort of azeotrope with it and distill with it


I don’t think anyone knows for absolute surety at this point. R&D testing will be done in due time and we’ll have definitive answers.

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I understand how mycotoxins would be present and concentrated into oil that makes perfect sense but for it to distill with THC or CBD in the distillate is what I’m really trying to figure out as looking at the chemistry of the aflatoxins it doesn’t make sense to me

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You obviously dont knkw but the last step in edible oil refinment is distillation…so ta its the same thing. And seeing how me are talking about allowwable limits of ppb it distilling in the heads tails or hearts would be irrelevant.

Fermented barley shochu mash artificially contami-
nated with 13 mycotoxins was distilled with small-scale
apparatuses to elucidate the fate of mycotoxins in the
distillation process. None of the tested mycotoxins was
detected in the distillates. Moreover, some mycotoxins
decreased considerably in volume in the residues after
distillation. This indicates that distillation is an effective
process for minimizing the risk of damage to distilled
alcoholic beverages due to mycotoxins.


Can you link me to some studies or anyting showing that

That’s only in reference to the distillation of alcohol, which has an extremely low boiling point in relation to the boiling point of the toxins.

Indeed yet THC and CBD boiling point is still about half of what the aflatoxins are

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I’m sorry let me correct that the boiling point for the typical AFB2 is about 4 to 5 times that of THC or CBD


The procedures used for the extraction and refining of edible vegetable oils can be effective in reducing aflatoxins, varying with the type of oil and method of oil refining. However, numerous studies have reported high incidence of aflatoxins contamination in edible oils worldwide. The production of oils from oilseeds requires the following steps: storage of grains, preparation, extraction of crude oil and refine (degumming, deacidification, bleaching, deodorization, among others). Some of these steps may be harsh and lead to inactivation or elimination of important compounds, such as vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes, although the effect on undesirable compounds like aflatoxins varies markedly among methods. This review presents the current data on the contamination of aflatoxigenic fungi and incidence of aflatoxins in raw oilseed as well as derived products, the main technological approaches for the oil production, and discusses the potential transfer of aflatoxins from oilseeds into the final oil product through the process.
(PDF) Incidence of Aflatoxins in Oil Seeds and Possible Transfer to Oil: A Review . Available from: [accessed Dec 21 2018].

That link doesn’t show effects of distillation

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Im sorry but tou are a newb. Deoderazation is the same thing as distillation wow just wow

Effective deodorization is a complex vacuum steam distillation process that involves using high-pressure steam to heat the oil to a precise temperature for stripping impurities and then cooling it to retain the natural oil characteristics.

The oil doesn’t get distilled sir not sure why you want to sling insults. The oil never becomes vapor only impurities with lower bp get removed during deoderant process


Mechanical engineer for the last 17 years in the oil and gas field though I’m no organic chemist.


We use deoderant process in many petrochemical plants. I believe you are getting confused with the process.

Your link clearly doesn’t show any distillation happening to the oil. Deoderizing acts like a sort of distillation to the mother liquor ( veg oil) where impurities get distilled off but the oil stays in the liquid state and never gets vaporized. Thus leaving afflatoxins in the oil all the while


Purification and deodorization of structured lipids by short path distillationis a name of a paper for example. i am under the impression that deodorization is a form of distillation.all my research has lead me to this conclusion. If i am wrong i apologize but i dont think i am atleast not without more research or facts presented edibale oil is reffered to as a distillate. Deodorization is reffered to as a form of distillation

Seems interchangeable but then agaain i will be the first to admit i have zero actual experience only research

No reason to get cross with him, hes just trying to get clarification.


That example listed doesn’t mention aflatoxins. Also, deodorization doesn’t involve the target compound being vaporized and it’s not inferring that the deodorization=distillation of target compound. The nondesirables are typically distilled off and the “mother liquor” remains the target oil which would in fact theoretically concentrate toxins. The other purification methods would not separate the mother liquor into it’s distilled separates.