
Has anyone read the current paper I do not have paid access to it

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It even says that’s used as a means to remove the toxin from a crop to make the crop itself consumable. I would imagine that extraction would take our other target molecules as well.

The solvent system used in this paper will extract your compounds of interest with the toxins :frowning:


Ya so it’s understandable to imagine that the toxins get concentrated when making crude but can anyone describe or show any information pertaining to the afflatoxins being distilled with thc or CBD?

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Which specific compound is this pertaining to? I would imagine the different aflatoxins would have different characteristics.

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This in particular is aflatoxin b1


Well, based on that info, one might assume this stuff wouldn’t make it through the distillation.

I’m excited to see some tests come out.

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There is a slight water solublility to b2, I wonder if that could be exploited?


yeah, I know it’s moldy, just run some water over it, you’ll be fine…


I would be interested in the result of an ACN/Hexane partition wash. I would hope you get reduction like acetone but with an immiscible layer.


Nutralization and bleAching will remove most of them the rest can be removed with lle with harsh polar solvents that are extremely dangerous to health of user and the planet so in my researrch i have found that 1 silver nano particles can has antimycotoxin abilty
Antimycotoxin activity of silver nanoparticles
Our results in Table 2 showed that the effect of silver nanoparticles on production of
aflatoxin B1. All concentrations lead to decreasing in aflatoxin B1 compared with control. The
inhibition was increased by increased concentration, the best inhibition noticed by 150 ppm. In
general, inhibition % at 50ppm ranged from 48.2 to 61.8%, at 100 ppm ranged from 46.1 to 82.2%
whereas at 150ppm inhibition % reached to 100%. The production of AFB1 A. flavus grown on
ZnO-NPs was smaller when compared to controls [10]. [15] reported that nontoxic metal oxides
such as magnesium oxide and calcium oxide in nanocrystalline nanoparticle formulations are
effective on Aflatoxin B1. nanocomposite MgO-SiO2 was an effective adsorption of aflatoxin and
adsorption characteristics of this nanocomposite depends on the concentration of aflatoxin

Note this is just one mycotoxin there seems to be no data on others but it does seem promising that it could destory all


Ya polar solvents are known to work but a few drops of acn on your skin and your dead. Sooo… Not worth it


Based on their boiling points it appears that afflatoxins would not carry over in distillation.

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Distillation does not affect them . look it up. Temp can degrad them and the degraded products stink! And are of unknown toxicity.

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Therefor the effectivity of using nanoparticles in order to inhibit fungal growth and mycotoxin biosynthesis depends strongly on the chemical composition, the size and the concentration of the nanomaterial. Influence of Different Nanomaterials on Growth and Mycotoxin Production of Penicillium verrucosum - PMC

So you are saying aflatoxins distill and vaporize with the THC or CBD they move from the mother liquor and into the distillate at the same boiling point as the target

Yes this is especially true with the mycotoxins of farusium look into edible oil and mycotoxins there are examples of edible oil containing mycotoxins after refinement

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