
Not true. The body generally metabolizes it into cyanide slower than it is excreted. It is ubiquitous in analytical labs and deaths are extremely rare. In fact the bottles usually sit precariously on top of an HPLC, outside of a fume hood, even in earthquake country.

Home chemists should probably avoid it though.

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8.5 grams is lethal

Alfotoxins are removed in the netrualization and bleaching step this is documented in the edible oil refinment lit. Some mycos are only reduced and end up in the distillate. I was under the impression that deodorizing is the same this as distillation only they use steam to more evenly heat the oil. You sre saying only the impuritys distill over that is interesting i will take tour word at the moment since you worked in the field of edible oil refinment

“Some mycos are only reduced and end up in the distillate”

This is what I’m after. Where are you getting the data that mycos are distilling with the distillates?

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Cyniade has a half life of 44hs tho?

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Well apparently the info is invalid if indeed they are only distilling the impurities.

How do they get that huge color change in deoderization step if its not distilling over wouldnt the heat make it real dark?

“Deoderizing” and “deoderizer distillate” are 2 separate things. Deoderizer distillate is distilled product via deoderant equipment. In edible oils for example distillation via deoderizing fractionates the oil into smaller chains. Deoderizing feedstock doesn’t mean it gets distilled and fractioned. Similarly deoderized distillate is fractioned distillate material that’s been distilled in deoderizing equipment.

“Distillates” of the vegetable oil deodorization are composed of free fatty acids (FFA), sterols, tocopherols, sterol esters, hydrocarbons and breakdown products of fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones and acylglycerols. The content of free fatty acids in deodorizer distillates varies between 25 and 75%. Due to its high content, free fatty acid separation from deodorizer distillate is an important step to concentrate tocopherols to high purity.


Imagine a rainbow entering a deoderant train, the end product is cleaner rainbow, you would distill off impuritys at Target temps knowing what falls out at those temps.

Now imagine a rainbow entering a deoderizing skid with the intention of fractionating “breaking molecular bonds” the rainbow into it’s single color constituents. The target material being separated “distillate” colors. the distillate is no longer “rainbow” it’s red, green, yellow, etc… Or in this case “fatty acids (FFA), sterols, tocopherols, sterol esters, hydrocarbons and breakdown products of fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones and acylglycerols”

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Ok maybe its me and my lack of underdtandimg but i still dont see how the oil gets that drastic color change to the clear all white cooking at 220c at full vac. Idk

Making bubble or water hash mechanically separates mold spores, which are smaller than trichomes… mold spores was through the smallest mesh bags. Not sure what % reduction in mycotoxins this achieves in the resin, but it might be one process that provides for cleaner product.


Glad to see the testing regulations are going to be enforced for this. These are bad toxins. I just posted in another thread about this…

I would expect that lots of butane extracts and maybe some CO2 oils that aren’t distilled will be coming up hot for this since it’s not uncommon to extract moldy material. I would expect a considerable amount of these toxins could easily be distilled during short path and especially wiped film.

Yeah, there’s been some back and forth about it. The boiling points are pretty high.

I’m excited to see some test results.


Is anyone performing any tests that you know of currently?

Nope… There’s standards for HPLC, and there are paper strip tests for them.

Unfortunately, most businesses won’t spring for stuff like that until it’s necessary.


I previously replied to a thread about product sterilization using irradiation on phyto compounds in natural products to meet drug grade specs prior to tableting. We did quite a bit of work in microbial and mold control through irradiation, we did hplc analysis to see how it was affecting our active compounds(parthenolide and sesqjiterpene lactones). We determined the amount of gamma loading to get our plate count down from 300000 to about 10 per count to meet Health Canada’s product drug specs for a dosable product.
I 'm no expert on the data , my brother organized the research but is missing mentally in action. We operated a Phyto Drug grade botanical business back in the 90s and I was more focused on the agronomy to increase plant compounds through selective breeding. If I can dig the research up on the irradiation study from the archives i would be happy to share. I am new to the site but have found there is a lot of brilliant discussions and a tremendous amount of knowledge floating around.


I’m probably way off course here, but just brainstorming here.

What about using uvc light to kill any spores?
This would have to be under strict standards as to avoid exposure to the light.

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I say fuck em and let em fail. If you grew moldy food, you would fail. Fungal disease can be prevented by manipulating and monitoring Ca:K ratios in the soil/media, feed solution, and plant sap and tissues. But most growers suck too much to pay care about that. Tell them to call me for consulting, as at least one thing I do feel confident about is getting a large facility to stop having fungal disease of all types. Have done it on a 40k sq ft licensed grow with wet walls and recycled soil, have done it with a 150k sq ft indoor grow in the wet ass PNW. A buddy grew an large outdoor crop in Coastal Oregon with zero mold, passed all testing, by carefully controlling potassium. If growers can’t figure out mold, they shouldn’t be growers.

Now trying to fix a large facility with continuous production and a large outbreak of sap sucking pests, thats a tougher challenge…


We have been testing for Mycotoxins since 2014. We have only seen a couple samples with trace levels. To my knowledge there has not been failing levels in our state, encompassing tens of thousands of samples. There was a great presentation at the Cannabis Science Conference this year on this. The 5 discussed were not seen, but some other ones were found in 200 samples. I talked with my buddy who is a Phd in biochem about this early on, and he thought cannabis lacked the amount available starch/sacharides to allow for metabolism of to mycotoxins. We fail samples for aspergillus regularly, so I think there maybe some truth in this hypothesis.

Honestly not something worth lossing sleep about in my opinion. Pesticides, general microbial testing, and heavy metals are really the tests to look out for and work on ways to remediate.


Thank you!

That is a great data point to have.