What about Big Foot?
thats true im sure- but its important to remember that the glumus or whatever isnt visible. Great white does a great job making a mass of white stuff and roots DO look great. but those arent the beneficial mycos some scientists say glomus intradices? is the only good one on cannabis.
I would think the study of the subject is still in its infancy. There is sadly not much research going into what makes good soil. Big ag sprays round up, some smaller farms still till. College ag students only get taught these methods. The biology of good soil is very complex. I think a lot of organisms have symbiotic relationships we are just now discovering.
im not sure but i think the reason i stopped using silica was something I heard about it disrupting mycos or mirobiology? am I wrong? I just bought soil but gonna cook off my old stuff with compost and lots of organics I have. Make a nice los. I think ill sell my worm bin. It takes up the space of a tent and is indoors and th worms died due to being neear my co2 gerearator and heat.
I’m looking for speakers for the upcoming Psychedelic Science Conference in Denver in May. Reach out!
Iv found my plants foxtail when using Mammoth P. Because of that I keep it pretty strict to week 5 & 6 of flower
There are only 4 companies producing mycorrhizae for plants in the world. I has better make my way up the food chain to find the cheapest price.
Fun fact: Mycorrhizae.com is a B2B manufacturer with the same business model and some of the same market segments as AgTonik. I really respect them as a company!
I really like Mykos too. Been using it for about 3 years with really good results. Great white is too expensive.
sorry to bump this post but I found a company that makes exactly what white shark has for the same price as other competitors. im thinking about trying them out, what do you folks think?
A buddy who does living soil had Great White tested. Their CFU’s were nowhere near listed and some were non-existant.
Rhizophagus Intraradices. formally known as Glomus intraradices gives the best results for roots (Wallace Organic Wonder, Mykos). Azospirillum brasilense (Azos) fixes nitrogen for roots. Several of the bacillus sp. outcompete or consumes things like pythium ( amyloliquefaciens in Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide) or fix phosphorus (megaterium in Mammoth P). For Bacillus, I typically recommend Terra Grow from Biosafe for the price for customers.
Ecto Mycorrhizae typically have symbiosis with species like conifers, not veggies and cannabis and just take up label space.
Looking to make my own microbial innoculant liquid with
- B. Subtilis
- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
- Bacillus pumilus
The powders I can get for them are of 4x10^9 cfu/gram
to get 4x10^9 cfu/ml, how much of the powder should i dissolve in 1 litre of the carrier liquid?
How is alfalfa tea as a carrier liquid? any other suggestions?