Alright y’all time to get back into large discussion on inputs & in general growing alike. So get ready to see many more threads popping again!
Also since this is now on the subject which companies do you prefer & why?
Great white myco
Elite 91 myco
These two have been go too brands for me, who else has others & if you have recipes & sops for such, let’s get then going & bring the price down for our community on the TAXED products!
For myco, use greengro, theyve got the highest testing propugule count. Some of the other companies over inflste their numbers, last test i saw (years ago) showed greengro exceedinf their label by atleast 10%
That’s what I love about them, shit they even have a 2$ sample pack for those who just wanna try them out too. I don’t see many companies ever offer that!
Green gro- 15lb bag for $126 ($8.40/lb) SOIL AMENDING INGREDIENTS
Glomus intraradices: 100 spores per g.
Glomus deserticola: 25 spores per g.
Glomus etunicatem: 25 spores per g.
Glomus clarum: 25 spores per g.
Bacillus subtilis: 15 X 10^9 CFUs per g.
Bacillus licheniformis: 5.5 X 10^9 CFUs per g.
Bacillus amyloliquefaceans: 3.75 X 10^9 CFUs per g.
Bacillus megaterium: 6.25 X 10^8 CFUs per g.
Bacillus polymyxa: 2.5 X 10^8 CFUs per g.
10% Humic Acid (Derived from Leonardite)
Myco jordan- $1500 for 20lb bag ($75/lb) Endomycorrhizae:
Glomus Intraradices – 500 spores/g
Yup ur right i guess i was looking at diveristy and mycojordan wasnt available to me at the time i made the comparison. When u compare money spent u can buy 5 greengros for cheaper than 1 mycojordan and still get the ssme amount of Glomus Intraradices but with all the added bonuses of the others for much cheaper.
@Cheebachiefextracts lol hydro stores are supposed to give those out haha does it say not for resale? In the sample bag
Most brands have the hydro store green tax! My buddy works for Xtreme Gardening, which is an excellent product. There are only 4 producers of mycorrhizae in the world. Get up high on the food chain if possible. There are only 3 stand out brands:
Mykos- It’s the most ubiquitous mycorrhizae product for cannabis growers, but is good and is widely available even at hydroponics stores.
Wallace Organic Wonder- This is the retail home and garden version that is very affordable is B2B wholesale. I have never met them, but consider them kind of a sister company for the market model and target demographics.
The hydro store was out of great white last time I was there, so I have bigfoot now instead. For soil plants I have also used mycogrow from fungi perfecti.
Are all of you fully amending your Soil with myco Or just adding it to the root zone on final transplants and such. I was actually about to make a post about advice on amending soil
For outdoor in-ground growing, good soil management will encourage natural myco growth. I have long said that tilling murders soil. Perhaps it would be more correct to say it murders the mycos in the soil.