Mycorrhizae companies

A buddy who does living soil had Great White tested. Their CFU’s were nowhere near listed and some were non-existant.

Rhizophagus Intraradices. formally known as Glomus intraradices gives the best results for roots (Wallace Organic Wonder, Mykos). Azospirillum brasilense (Azos) fixes nitrogen for roots. Several of the bacillus sp. outcompete or consumes things like pythium ( amyloliquefaciens in Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide) or fix phosphorus (megaterium in Mammoth P). For Bacillus, I typically recommend Terra Grow from Biosafe for the price for customers.

Ecto Mycorrhizae typically have symbiosis with species like conifers, not veggies and cannabis and just take up label space.