Mycology -- Tricks of the Trade

Has anyone seen a mutation that makes just heads pop out, no stump, no stem?
Im coming across alot of these in my bags and they have the same girthy cap width as the other mushrooms (ape variety) but it doesnt grow a stem.
Some are growing upside down with a little hole where the stem would be.

Im going to take some clones and see if i can get a flush full of these. If i successfully pull that off then ill for sure get a freeze drier :crossed_fingers:

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Just a tip for anyone struggling with contam using unicorn bags.
If your having troubles with contamination using bags, there are many reasons but our biggest problem was sealing the bags properly.
We were using a cheap china sealer, dont use those they suck compared to the 5mm magnet seal ones.
We switched over and still had some issues.

If u havent gotten a Hydrochlorous Acid (HOCL) generator i highly recommend getting one.
This is the one we use, might find a better price somewhere else.

We dunk our sealed bags in a 5 gal bucket of 200 ppm HOCL water solution, this shows u if ur bags are truely sealed. The filter patch should bubble out when u dunk but if u get big bubbles coming from anywhere else, put it back infront of the flow hood and reseal it.

When ur doing 50+ bags in a row, its easy to miss a mini tear or miss-seal, so taking that extra step in dunking has helped us, roughly 1 in 9 bags have an issue that is easily remediated with another seal.


So I found way to quickly put up a clean room in my spare bedroom. Use it for many hobbies. It’s just a 2x4 frame screwed to the ceiling, with 10mil plastic and velcro(the plastic was 8 foot and it reaches the floor perfectly.
I made the hepa pre-filter plenum that goes all the way to the ceiling, so that dust couldn’t settle on the top.
I have the In-Line blower on a variac speed controller, but then I usually run it on full. They say your supposed put 1.0 inches of water static pressure in the plenum, I am only managing 0.8 inches at full power. But my velocity is 187 feet per minute@12inchs. And 161fpm@24 inches. So I think I’m OK.

This is a really great thread I’ve learned so much!! Hope i don’t post to many pictures.


Do you think I could sanitize my clean tent if I fogged using Hydrochlorous Acid? I would cover the filter and sanitize that with lysol instead.

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Yes u can use hypochlorous acid for santizing the inside of ur “clean room”. I would have a fogger system and a circulating fan setup, so that u can turn on ur fogger and circulating fan for about 10-15min, then turn it off and turn on the hepa filter for a half hour, then walk in and start

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How do you make a 200ppm hocl 5 gallon solution if it only holds 1 liter? I think it can only produce up to 500 ppm. That would require about 8 liters of 500ppm.

Theres only about 2-2.5 gallons needed in the 5 gal bucket for rinses. You can fit 1.5L each run on the generator, so 6 batches should be enough to fill ur 5 gal bucket enough for rinses.
Its effective up to a week (or more) if kept in a closed container, its effective for a couple of days if left in an open container (5 gal bucket)


That really clears a lot up, thanks.

Toss the cheap 66QT tubs and switch to the purple latch ones from sterilite at target. You can stack them 7 high with 16lbs cakes in them

Yeah, I was thinking of just getting a cheap sterile grow bag(is there a cheap w/low shipping fee?) and buy a spore syringe (or is a spore print better?). I just need to find one or two good ‘strains’ for a novice to psychedelics and also a novice to growing myco.

I hardly feel well enough to really research my cheapest options as well as what strain options would be best. (also, my budget is extremely low; I hope I don’t need to buy agar or whatever with a grow bag and spore syringe; I know it would likely grow well outdoors without much work in AZ)

This sounds like a viable solution for my budget…as much as I’ve heard from Etsy…I thought it was all just arts and crafts market place…I hope I can find quality viable spores and a good growbag on this site(if it’s recommended).

So it almost sounds like your plan is to just buy spore syringes to inoculate spawn bags, and then try to grow them outside? I hope that’s not the case, that sound like a very hard path.

@StoneD: You still have “casing” wrong…

If you’re growing “poo lovers”, then adding any manure is by definition adding FOOD, which is NOT what “casing” is about.

Casing is a fruiting method where a colonizedsubstrate is covered with non-nutritious layer such as peat moss, vermiculite or different mixtures of the previous with various additives. The purpose of this inert covering is to help induce fruiting and to supply moisture to the substrateand the developing fruits.

You even link to “substrate” and state you’re using it as “casing”.

Using the wrong terms may not stop your mushrooms from doing their thing, but it will make talking with others about wtf your doing way more difficult.

…as does referring to your target as “cyans” which is a moniker more frequently associated with psilocybe cyanescens.

you KNOW this, because you’ve repeatedly been given instructions on how to grow the psilocybes rather than the panaeolus you’re after, yet you continue to use the ambiguous name…


Yeah I never could get the name right w mushes I. AlwYs got the terms backwards

Could u explain the difference in the 3 main words…substrtate,casin

O when I was reading about pan cyan it said to cover it a top soil layer and half straw half top soil
worked great they said. Even mentioned setting fhe fruit box no lid on pudle water and closing the bag w it

One guy has is down w pan cyans

I could grow cubes fairly easybut always bought fully colonized substrate so I just spread it out in fruiting chamber and put layer of mushroom dirt? A casing like material but not manure

@cyclopath Here’s video botched they are made different bc I can’t find fully colonized substance of this strain anywhere. I must been doing something wrong. I just wanna try bc the psilocybin is low and the other ingrident what’s it call psilocyin

Any pointers?

Those kits are from Europe scared to mess.w our customz

50 ish quart tote from Walmart 5$
10 pounds CVG substrate 30$
4 pounds rye spawn 10$
10 ml liquid culture syringe 10$

Yields 6-16z
Takes 60ish days start to finish
20 for the grain, 30 for the 3 flushes

Screw cyans and screw a casing layer


No polyfil mentioned, I’m assuming you are flipping the lid or fanning daily during fruit? @Tom

One of our members here (@RockSteady ) makes a vent hole kit that replaces ur polyfill needs and is much more reliable.


So a couple runs ago, i tried throwing just 3 or 4 inncoulated grains into a sub bag instead of the usual 3lbs of grain.
It took an extra 2 weeks to innoculate but it yielded nearly as much as the others, maybe 10-15% less.
I realized you really dont need grain, you can just underhydrate your subtrate while pasturizing and then get it up to field capacity using innoculated liquid culture.

The bottle neck of anyones operation is grain if your going the traditional route because a huge pasturizer is much easier/cheaper to make then a huge sterilizer.
The LC to sub route requires ALOT more liquid culture then lc to grain to sub, but ive been theorizing ways to make 5 gallon or pickle barrel sized “sterile” liquid culture.

Any vessel u use, needs to have one way valves, a 0.2 micron air filter and a pressure guage on it.
I think you can first of all clean and scrub the inside of a 5 gallon bucket as best u can then let it sun dry. Pour in some 70% alcohol (about 200ml) and close the top with ur valves and guage mounted to the lid. Swish around the bucket as best u can to hit every inside wall. You could heat up the bucket slightly and pull vac on it to pull out and evaporate the alcohol from the inside, making it sterile.

Then u need to inject sterile water, they make 0.2micron absolute water filters that would allow u to add in water that is sterile basically on tap.

Once u add 4 gallons of water u can then transfer ur already finished liquid culture into the bucket. To keep the lines sterile, i would use 200ppm HOCL water to fill the transfer tubes b4 liquid culture goes thru it, i imagine youll only need about 5-10ml of solution to fill ur tranafer tube assuming a 1/4" line from ur lc jar to bucket. Since the 5-10ml of sterilizing liquid will get diluted into the 4 gallons of water, i imagine it wont be at a strong enough solution to hinder the growth of the mycelium later on.

Attach a peristaltic pump to the 5 gallon bucket with a t valve on it. When necessary u can run hocl solution thru the t valve to clean ur lines.

You can automate alot of this and once the 5 gallon buckets are prepped they can store until u need to fill them with liquid culture, 15,000ml should make about 100 bags if your doing my underhydrate sub route. If your doing grain, u should have enough to innoculste 1000 3lb grain bags.

A glass container that is see through might be beneficial so u can see the liquid culture progression but daily sample can be taken because it will always be on a one way valve, only ever letting liquid exit, not enter.

Pickle barrels can be attached to tractor sprayers and you can hit a couple of acres in less than a day, cover it up with pasturized manure and straw. Wait for the rain in 2 weeks and go picking!


thanks for the shout out:)

The FT breather inserts are pretty useful and patent pending. These are a solid upgrade over cotton balls or fabric tape! The inserts allow 2 filters to be directly integrated to your totes, an Activated Carbon filter and a HEPA filter. The AC filter removes odors and VOCs that are actively generated by decaying biomass, which helps to reduce noticeable odors when the fruiting chamber is closed, The HEPA filters remove any particulate matter and ensure a clean environment within the system.

They have been doing pretty well on amazon!

I have a bunch of other novel and unique “fruiting chamber mods” i have been developing! but haven’t released fully as im incredibly busy lately.

always looking for more testers! if anyone wants to try out some breather inserts send me DM and ill get you a kit!!


Good on you for trying the ghetto blender tech, I used to use the same thing. But its a mess and def more complicated than it needs to be. The guy who taught me LC used an eberleighbach blender so I tried the jar blender for a while. At the end of the day it makes little to no difference. For LC mix 500ml H2O, 20g malt and 1g of peptone (this is the magic ingredient) and don’t forget your spin bar, PC for 20min and inoculate with a small wedge of agar. Spin that jar for 8-24hrs per day and incubate at temp 23c. You will have more beautiful mycelium than you have seen in 10 days.