Music to work to...GO!

Autotune is murder to my delicate musical sensibilities.


I did some studio guitar work for a black metal label… never got into black metal so much, but watching their faces when I threw intricate solos in was hysterical.


Too much reverb for shitty singers hurts mine as well

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We can’t forget about Black Label Society. Blackened waters is probably my favorite song of all time.

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Zack Wylde is an incredible musician


That’s blasphemy!
EDM ftmfw!

I’m a 100% trance head.

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Respect to you man. You gotta be good to be a session drummer. I just played drums in a ska band early highschool then a hardcore punk band for about 8 years. Its so damn hard to keep a band together tho.


Bro we forgot to mention the best rapper alive LIL Pump HAHAHA :face_vomiting:


Haha hell ya that’s awesome. No better feeling then when the people who hired you are genuinely stoked on your parts for their song you basically come up with on the spot. Haha I love the pressure, and sort of think it can help push the creative process. If you’re ever in LA lets jam!

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Ya I started playing shows at like 12 years old. Was touring the west coast at like 15 and throughout high school.
Haha my drum teacher always told me being in a band is like having 4 girlfriends at once, and ain’t that the fucking truth. Haha every band I was in broke up because of some stupid drama right when things were starting to happen. So I finally said fuck it and I went to Musicians Institute in Hollywood. It was before there was large amounts of good weed down in so cal and I’m from the Bay Area where we had purps on lock. So I was middlemanning packs.
Drive to the bay and get some packs at like 35-38, sell them down here for 44-46. That was such a good time. Haha showing up to BALLER studios with a few lbs and people would lose their shit cause they had never seen weed that good before and that much. But once programming drums really started to sound real my bookings just stopped so went full time on the weed side basically. I still get the occasional session. Here’s a super fun one I just did pretty recently that was someone’s side project. Don’t think it has my name on it so I’ll share it. Definitely some spacey/stoney jams. Fever Dream Diary | Friends From Japan


Lotus sutra
On repeat
Did this for 10 hours once
Just keep the beat


I’m always down for a jam session

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Hee, hee, hee, define good music?


That was a pretty cool idea! A transducer, for sure, would be more effective. Running a sweeping hertz of 40-200 would really move it around.

I have them on my IRacing simulator cockpit when I run VR and gaming chair (Buttkickers :joy:). Definitely cool gadgets

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We know how the Mormons feel. Definitely prepared me for a regular relationship tho lol. We started touring the northeast/midwest my junior year of highschool (originally from Buffalo,ny) and did that regularly for about 6 years. Went through 11 bass players in that time. We finally did a big cross country tour for 2 months where we ended in LA and planned on permanently staying. Only took a year and I’m the only 1 left in LA. Got connected with a grow in the valley that needed someone to wash pots and its been all weed ever since. Had to sell of my shells, snare and kick pedal but I still got my cymbals. Digging the Friends From Japan stuff. Good way to start this morning.
Shameless share of the old bandcamp:


Beyond Creation - Neurotical Transmissions - Bass Playthrough

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I’m old now and like old people music.


Talking about Miles, that live there I love it.
Especially when Kenny Garett get right into it.


The concert that almost never happened right? Lost his equipment. Miles said he would play the following year if it didn’t show. I was trying to find the set list, but knowing Miles, he played whatever the fuck he wanted. He didn’t give a rats ass if the audience dug it or not. Shit, KG is only 59, still blowing’. Wayne Shorter, Bill Evans, et al.

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