Multiple recovery coils?

Hey i have a question I can’t find and answer to on the forum. Is using two recovery coils in iso and dry ice better than just one?

I have two half inch pipe coils that are 12”x12” double coiled and was wondering if they would work together to speed things up or would it be two long of pipe and cause it to back up or something. I am running pure butane and may switch to iso


It would go even faster if you had two recovery lines into the two coils, then into the tank. That would help you speed up


Okay so each of them with their own lines?

Correct. Two lines off the collection/evaporator, either both through one mol sieve, or one for each. Then both go into their own coil, then each into the tank.


Interesting, this conversation hits my pet project, I was thinking of coils in series, guess I will have to wait on my lines to come in, hopefully my one coil will do the trick, but good to know for future reference it may be a “thing” to look out for.

Ugh, the chase to reduce bottle necks…

@Dred_pirate thank you, but also, f*** you, now I’m worried I will have silly bottle necks, thanks for the stress I guess. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


It also helps so dont have your pumps pushing through 2x50’ coils or however long. Can’t remember but pretty sure every 12” adds 1 psi. I prefer to mount pumps as high as possible with coils in between and tank below. Just my experience


Oof, I was planning on going from 1/2 line to two 2 cmeps 3/8 lines to a 1/2 in line, to coil, to tank, when I get this together I will do my preliminary testing and see if my coil keeps up, if not, guess I will have to get the hardware to get another coil going…

Basically 1/2 in line off honey pot-----> Mol sieve -------> 1/2in to 3/8in splitter--------> cmeps --------->3/8 to 1/2in splitter--------> 1/2 condensing coil--------> solvent tank.

Guess we’ll see, a lab is for experimenting right?

So I just tried this and it works amazing at my highest I was recovering 3.5lb a minute! But my problem now is my pressure in recovery is almost 0. Right now I have my water bath set to 98.6f.

What do you guys suggest is a safe recovery temp for shatter? I’ve searched around and see people using 120f all the way up to 150-160f


I don’t ever go above 30c (86f), unless it’s crude and I don’t care about the end product, but preferably I like to run around 25c (78f). You also don’t need to have a lot of pressure, just heating power to keep up.


@Infoseeker @TheGooMan
Like Dred Pirate mentioned, you can do separate lines to increase “speed” but putting your coils in a series will allow you to more easily get your solvent super-chilled so your tank will have low backpressure and require less cooling during the next injection.

For example with a fast pump like a corken I would opt for a series since it gets so hot post-compressor.

Id be interested to see the trade-off of series vs. parallel in person.
Fun stuff :v:


I cap it at 100f. If your collection is getting that low your heat is not what you think it is. Sounds like its cooling down after a while which is really common.

I prefer series, when i tried running separate ones the loss in pressure being split made it slower.


That was my thoughts but didnt try it so didnt diss it.

So get this, “luck” right?

Had both cmeps , side by side how I described, heating became an issue, got new heater/recirculator, then one of the pumps heads went out, now back to one cmep and new heater, going better, but I have still yet to be able to see what difference two will make…

Guess patience pays.

Im also running anywhere from 2-6 pumps so it depends but i only run dual coils now and recover pure propane with just melt ice so i got no complaints


Nice! I have a buddy with a 3x TRS21 setup running straight tane and he saves a bunch of money using just regular ice. All pumps into a single 3/8ths Large coil.

I’ve had 6 hooked up at one time before I invested in a larger pump. Now I rum 95% passive then kick the pump on to finish her off.
Running 2 coils in series works if your getting vaper blow bye, otherwise in parallel is the way to go.


I’m not sure, but I don’t think OP is running pumps, he hasn’t said anything about them. And no pump, or array of pumps is going to be pushing 3.5 lbs a min at 98f.


Propane is also quite happy to condense back into a liquid at a higher temp than its BP.

I use a minimum of 24 coils per lb of biomass