I hail from Pennsylvania and Texas primarily in the private own your own city type of settings. I’ve tried. Now at the point of just making sure their cities are flooded whether they want it or not. You can’t help those brain washed.
Let’s get back on topic guys.
Hey @Sidco_Cat i heard there might be party size restrictions for the glg.
Just not trying to depend on that in order to link up with some members on down time
Nah no size restrictions apply to the GLG.
Might wanna confirm that with the house that always hosts the party. It’s not a cheap nor small place.
XD can we bring a tank this year?
I wanna read everyone’s badges clearly God dammit.
Me and my small team will be there this year. Not letting my wife stop my travel this time.
Definitely going for the expo and to finally shake some of y’all’s hands.
can i bring my entire family of 65???
cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, step-aunts, step-uncles, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cousins, god father, great god father, etc.
Not letting my wife stop anything I try to do anymore
No kidding. The delta variant has her biting her nails again…
XD lmk when you got ex wives
I got a junior penthouse in the shitty hotel above. That just means it’s a normal room on one of the top 2 floors.
5 of them
3 in the woods somewhere
2 in Guantanamo Bay
You’ll find that to work real well. Women love that.
Lmfao I just had one remarried thankfully. Only down to one with my last name
This is why I waited till after 40 to get married for the first time.
Wanted to make sure I was making the right decision
Got full custody/divorce in front of judge for $1500.
No contest. Signed in front of witnesses out of state (birth mom and others) sent back divorce and custody paperwork to my attorney.
Second divorce was 100% free in front of a judge and court. We did it together in person was less than 10 minutes.
I’ll call mine early lessons to never ever try for again.
Yall lucky if you make that ish work.
We have a couple of goals:
1 Phat meet up opportunity for time and space with all gang members
2 public party for prospective members and the rest of the community
3 Content capture for future release
I’m most passionate about 1 and 3. I love our meet ups, I really, really do. Connecting with actual living, breathing people is what makes this all work. We are planning on content creation like Long Beach with panels, interviews and great conversations. There are some really great partners that are jumping in with the #GLG this year. Some have beards and siblings and some have dark colored bullet points on paper.
I’m also inviting myself to the golfing, bowling whatever party Mike is throwing because I’m all about it!
@Killa12345 I know you don’t need my help, you crusher of industry, but I’m at your service. If you’d like any introductions or to walk the show for a few hours, I’d love to.
@moveweight your Mom and I would be friends in about 2 seconds. You would love watching us bond and the shift to tag-team-life-management would be so imperceptible at first that you wouldn’t even see it coming until it was too late. Then, it would be nothing but Jesus, abstinence and healthy living talk from there on out. Everyone thinks it’s all hash and stainless until they get in a car with me for a while… Once the seatbelts are buckled and the power locks go down, it’s all good about finding a nice girl and replacing alcohol with mushrooms and good spiritual practice.
I’d easily pay to trick her to show up and meet you somehow.
100% especially considering 40-50% of all marriages end in divorce